Kinetic Breeding Plans
Thank you everyone for the compliments on the pups. I, of course, think they are perfect.
Here is some more video for you all to enjoy.¤t=SleepyPuppyPlay.flv
Very cute.
Love the star on the back of your r/w baby -
So cute! Keep the photos coming :)
They really are adorable. Such alert little faces and bright eyes.
4 weeks already? really? wow.
they're sitll very cute.
Bella – she's my pick out.
Oh my. I know I've said it before -- I could never be a breeder.
I'd wind up one of those crazy people that the folks on Animal Precinct have to
visit to remove 300 dogs from the home. :-)Beautiful puppies. Just looking at the pictures warms the cockles of the heart, no?
They just get cuter and cuter….