Sherwood's breeding plans 2009

  • After a whole lot of waffling back and forth trying to decide what I was going to do this year, I finally made my decision. I will be having two, yes TWO, litters this year. I just got back from the BCOA National Specialty a week ago and, as expected, being around all of those other bitches who were in season triggered my girls to come into season. They should be ready to breed within days of each other so this will be the first time I have ever had 2 litters at the same time. :eek: I average less than a litter a year so this will be more puppies than I am used to. I'm a little bit scared lol! I won't be short on help though as I am sure that Carrie (Andrew on the forum) and Nicki and Liz (Mauigirl) will be hanging around a lot. 😃

    Info and photos about the upcoming litters can be found on my website at

    (Note: That web host limits the number of views per hour so if you get a "can't be viewed message" you will have to check back after an hour or so. I just bought a new web domain and eventually I'll get my site moved there. In the meantime, I'm sorry for this inconvenience.)

  • :DYay!! I'm excited for you and can't wait to see the puppy pictures.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    :DYay!! I'm excited for you and can't wait to see the puppy pictures.


    Pat, you are welcome to come see the actual puppies. 😃

  • How exciting! Can't wait to see puppy pics 😃

  • @YodelDogs:

    Pat, you are welcome to come see the actual puppies. 😃

    Believe me, I'll be trying to figure out how to accomplish that!! I would love to be able to really see them.


  • How exciting Robyn! Looking forward to hearing more about the babies. 🙂

  • Ah the lovely sounds of breeding season. Howling all day…and all night. Such is the life of a Basenji breeder lol.

    My house sounds a lot like this during breeding season.

    For those who don't recognize the clip, it is from the 1979 movie Love At First Bite starring George Hamilton. Funny movie!

  • Houston

    So exciting..can't wait to hear all about the breeding and the puppies to be..

  • Well as I said as least October with Halloween and all after all is the howling month. I want to know about puppies.

    Rita Jean

  • Congratulations. Love the look of the sire, Marty. He's certainly a masculine looking dog. I'm not much impressed by the bitch-type males, (but then, what do I know!!) Looks like a wonderful pairing(s).

    I think I would just go crazy with all those pups at the same time!! Best of luck to you and your girls.

  • congrats, back in the early 90"s I had two born on the same afternoon, even though they bred 3 days apart. They inspired each other and all 10 puppies were nursed by both moms.

  • Instead of driving the girls back and forth every day to the stud dog, his owner let me take him home with me. Marty is such a good dog. He is very well behaved and has been a good houseguest. He had never seen a cat inside a house though so he was a bit baffled by mine. Tuk was laying on the floor and Marty slowly went over to sniff him. Tuk growled, rather loudly, and Marty stopped in his tracks, clearly confused. It sounded like a dog but it didn't look or smell like one. Marty took a step back and growled back at Tuk. Tuk growled back. Marty decided to go sit on the couch and watch this odd creature at a distance. I wish I had a video of that. It was pretty funny to watch haha.

    Bindi and Jozie, who normally get their whiskers bent out of shape at strange dogs in the house, are delighted in Marty. Bindi already knew Marty from last year when he sired her singleton puppy Ayla. Jozie thinks he's a cutie pie, too. Things are going well so far. 🙂

  • oooh la la!


    A year from now Bindi's going to be like "um…. where's Marty? We visited last year and the year before and I've been looking forward to this all year!!!"

  • @mauigirl:

    A year from now Bindi's going to be like "um…. where's Marty? We visited last year and the year before and I've been looking forward to this all year!!!"

    Haha well she certainly didn't put up a fight. 😉

  • How exciting!!!!

    Can't wait to see al those puppy pics 😃

  • The breedings have been done. Three successful natural breedings between Marty x Bindi. She is due Nov 25 (from the first breeding) although I think she probably conceived on her second breeding, which would put the pups due Nov 28. Things didn't go so well with Jozie. Both parties were ready and willing but just not able. I took Jozie to a reproduction specialist yesterday and it seems that she has a vaginal stricture which was what was preventing a natural breeding. We ran a progesterone test on her and she was ready to breed. I took Marty and Jozie back to the repro vet today and we did an AI. If she conceives, she will be due Dec 2.

    This has been a hectic week and I sure am glad the breeding part is over now. I'm taking Marty back to his owner tomorrow but I'll still be keeping the girls separate from Baron for another 2-4 weeks. Maybe the howling will cease then. yawns

  • Houston

    Good to hear that the breeding went well. I hope Jozie concieves and puppies are to be had for her sake to.. Sounds like so much fun, I want puppies too..

  • @YodelDogs:

    The breedings have been done. Three successful natural breedings between Marty x Bindi. She is due Nov 25 (from the first breeding) although I think she probably conceived on her second breeding, which would put the pups due Nov 28. Things didn't go so well with Jozie. Both parties were ready and willing but just not able. I took Jozie to a reproduction specialist yesterday and it seems that she has a vaginal stricture which was what was preventing a natural breeding. We ran a progesterone test on her and she was ready to breed. I took Marty and Jozie back to the repro vet today and we did an AI. If she conceives, she will be due Dec 2.

    This has been a hectic week and I sure am glad the breeding part is over now. I'm taking Marty back to his owner tomorrow but I'll still be keeping the girls separate from Baron for another 2-4 weeks. Maybe the howling will cease then. yawns

    Congrats, I hope that means lots of puppies. 😃 Regarding Jozie, will the stricture cause any issues for the whelping? Hopefully not.


  • @Nemo:

    Congrats, I hope that means lots of puppies. 😃 Regarding Jozie, will the stricture cause any issues for the whelping? Hopefully not.


    The repro vet says that the chance of having complications is minimal. The hormones released during the birthing process relaxes the stricture allowing puppies to pass through normally. I'll have my vet on speed-dial just in case though.

  • @YodelDogs:

    The repro vet says that the chance of having complications is minimal. The hormones released during the birthing process relaxes the stricture allowing puppies to pass through normally. I'll have my vet on speed-dial just in case though.

    Not that I want to get into an argument about this, but that is not how I understand it… and I know two bitches that had strictures... that were bred anyway... both had to have C-sections...

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