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Basenji Talk
  • That makes me ill! I hope you can take Jack home as soon as possible. Not someone I would want to have as a neighbor. Major character flaws being exhibited!


  • So they TOOK your dog?
    I don't get that. Even if a dog bites someone and I know Jack didn't you can keep them in YOUR Home for the time they are restricted.
    Why did they take him?

  • Thanks to all your support! Im glad your on my side…lol. I hope Jack is home SOON...there is an empty bed at the top of my stairs and I miss that yodel!!! THANKS

  • Wow. Words cannot express my anger and disbelief. I would definately be calling animal control on their dog (of course I'm EXTREMELY over reactionary at times.) Your pup is definately in our prayers… what a horrible thing to put him & you through when he didn't even do anything wrong (or you for that matter!) I can't believe they took him away! Best of luck!

  • OMG.. How awfull…

    Good luck..

  • That is incredibly frustrating.. I would be up in arms!! but from a legal perspective, I would keep a sharp eye out from now on. If your neighbor is malicious enough to cut your dog's collar off - then you can almost be sure to expect more trouble… if it were me, I would get a couple cheap disposable cameras and leave them by your window sills in case something like this happens again (i would also document the neighbor's pets "abuse" of your property as well) ... because your animal control officers are right, you will have no rights unless you have some evidence... grrrrrrrrrrrr. I can't imagine being separated from your B, but I hope you make it through these two weeks and he is sleeping in your bed soon!

    **I just checked up on the laws in your state, cause I was kinda surprised they would take Jack away - and o la la this is slippery! Technically (as I understand it) they are only supposed to quarantine IF the dog has indeed bitten someone, not if it's just loose, UNLESS the dog doesn't have a collar or ID and then they may be impounded (your county's leash ordinances [if those exist] may or may not be able to help your more here.)

  • **They told me that the neighbor said he saw Jack growling and "acting visciously" and since his collar was cut off, he had no ID while he was loose. Even though I have proof of his ID and Medical records @@. They are keeping him "just to be safe and give anyone the chance to come forward if they were bitten" I know when the police showed up he growled at them, but he was TERRIFIED he was being taken away from me, He should have growled!! We are going to go visit him today and ask someone in charge if we have to pay the fine since his collar was cut and if he can be home for the 14 day thing…Im hoping for the best, and ill keep you posted for sure!!!


  • I can't say to much cuz my potty mouth really wants out right now grrrrr …. But i would get a camera u can put up or even maybe hang from a window and video tape when he is outside just incase something happens u have proof .. I know best buy sells a 4 pack that has a 4 camera's u can put up within i believe 500 ft from eachother I think it's around $130. i know the added expensive is not something someone needs right now but that way if she was to get into ur yard any witch way u would have it on camera and be able to show the police .. then they could get a fine for trespassing ... I'm sorry u are going threw this now :( And i hope u get Jack back ASAP .

  • Where's Perry Mason when you need him! I bet he could trick a confession out of your neighbor and get it recorded on tape, especially after he sent Paul over to the neighbors garbage to retrieve the leash that he probably pocketed to get rid of the evidence!

    If your computer is close to a window overlooking your yard you might be able to just put a webcam on it and have it recording continually or at least when Jack is out in the yard - that might be less expensive option.

    I wonder if the police would be willing to talk to your neighbor and explain to him the consequences of getting caught on tape releasing Jack. Even though you don't have any evidence this time, they might be able to scare him off of doing it again.

    I hope you get Jack back quickly!

  • Too Bad Jack can Talk huh? I went to visit him yesterday, we took him his bed and a treat. We were allowed to pet him thru the fence but thats it. He did make us laugh tho (thru the tears) at first he wouldnt take the treat from me he was too busy trying to get thru the fence to us and he was crying so I put it in his cage. After a bit he was whining and went to eat the biscuit at the same time and it sounded like "Whinnn - crunch crunch - nnnne crunch" hehee…No matter how upset he is he will never turn down a treat. When he got his bed he rolled in it and it calmed him down a bit, I guess any smell from home is heaven to him! POOR Jacker!! We get to have him home on the 26th! So a few more days!! We are counting down!

  • I so hope this passes quickly.
    I am so sorry that these folks did this to your family.
    BUT now you know. You must be with your boy all the time when he is out and not allow these folks to have him taken away. Re making them "pay".
    I do so believe in Karma.
    It does come around. So be the better person and let Karma bite them in the but*.


  • And after all the work you put into keeping Jack in the family… I am so very sorry this all happened... ... how terrible for you and Jack....

  • WOW!
    After reading your story all I want to do is slap the crap out of your neighbors! I can't believe people will stoop to that level.
    If I were in your shoes, I would keep an eye on Jack at all times if he is outside anywhere near those people. I don't trust them!!!
    I like the idea of putting disposable cameras next to the windows and doors. You will need to log everything just so you can build a case against them.
    Poor Jack! Sheesh. My heart goes out to you. Man you about put a tear in my eye as well as a mean gggrrrr towards your neighbors.
    Good luck and lots of love going toward Jack right now while he is away from you.
    Poor Guy!

  • I just do not get it. If no one was bitten, what right do they have to hold your dog. This all sounds fishy to me and I would start pressing the issue and think about contacting an attorney. I would pay the fine, and then make them present you with a copy of the statue that gives them the right to hold your animal. In fact I would demand that in writing.


  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    WELL I finally get things settled down with Jack and the baby and everything and then new drama @@!! Our neighbors (for some Ungodly reason) HATE HATE HATE Jack (And they make sure I know that) I have NO Idea why except that Jack LOVES to Yodel when he is outside and our neighbor says (and I quote) "Your stupid dog sounds like a dying Wolf when he makes that Annoying NOISE!"…oooh it took everything in me to laugh that off...I have been keeping my cool, Letting their dog kill my tree by peeing on it everyday, letting their cat soil on our porch where Aiden plays in his swimming pool, and NOT calling the animal control on their dog and cat being off leash...But the other day I was home and put Jack out to potty and mopped the floors and next thing I know I look out the back door and see our neighbor cutting Jacks collar!! When I ran out there he said "Oh I was just petting Jack and he took off!" (Still cant find Jacks Collar) Then he called Animal control & the police while I was out there catching Jack!! So They came and gave me a ticket for having Jack off the leash and Told me they have to hold him for 14 days incase he bit anyone while he was loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys, Im SO stressed out about this! its not like I can just move...I told the police I saw the neighbor cutting Jack loose and they said since we cant prove it they only Told the neighbor that he isnt allowed on my property or touching Jack without my permission! And thats it, but I got a 92$ ticket!! Jacks fine!! Im miserable without him for TWO Weeks!!! I went to visit him today and I cried while he cried to me thru the fence! he was "rooo-rooing" and my heart broke! The shelter said after hearing my side of it all that they are going to let me "quarantine" Jack at my house...but I still have to pay the fine @@...Ive asked if I can visit Jack and take him for walks while hes there so he doesnt think Ive abandoned him...Please pray for Jack and his SAFE return home!! (hopfully sooner than 14 days!!) Thanks

    Unless your dog has bitten someone, they have no right to hold him. They can only hold him if he has bitten someone and that does not seem to be the case here. Thats like saying I am going to have to write you a ticket in case you were speeding. Start threatening to sue them. Print out a copy of what I have posted below and have them show you where it allows them to quarentine your dog. Its time for your to start complaining loudly. See the link below

  • Lets hope he gets home soon.

  • This whole story is terrible. Please be very careful with Jack and these neighbors…I'd hate to hear that they actually hurt him. They sound like the sorts of people that you read about that would do something like feed him poison, seriously. I mean, if they are going to do something like cut his collar, something is seriously wrong with them. I also wonder if the neighbors didn't say something to the tune of Jack biting them sometime previously for the police to invoke that sort of quarantine.

    How old are these people and are they new neighbors? Is this happening at a house or a condo (where there is a common area) because it sounds really brazen to walk up on someone else's property right outside of a window. Wow.

    I kind of like the idea that someone previously posted about asking the police to go and make a friendly visit and warn them about the consequences of being video taped trespassing. It is possible that would scare them enough to stay away.

    Unbelievable. Keep us posted, please!

  • @ComicDom1:

    Unless your dog has bitten someone, they have no right to hold him. They can only hold him if he has bitten someone and that does not seem to be the case here. Thats like saying I am going to have to write you a ticket in case you were speeding. Start threatening to sue them. Print out a copy of what I have posted below and have them show you where it allows them to quarentine your dog. Its time for your to start complaining loudly. See the link below

    I thought that too - but this article was a response to a legal question. You have to actually read into the law itself to find validation in the officer's actions. Here is their justification

    Citation: CT ST § 22-327 to § 22-367a

    Citation: C.G.S.A. § 22-327 to § 22-367a
    Under Title 22 of CT LAW

    § 22-332. Impoundment and disposition of roaming, injured or mistreated animals

    (a) The Chief Animal Control Officer, any animal control officer or any municipal animal control officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of this chapter and shall make diligent search and inquiry for any violation of any of its provisions. Any such officer may take into custody (1) any dog found roaming in violation of the provisions of section 22-364, (2) any dog not having a tag or plate on a collar about its neck or on a harness on its body as provided by law or which is not confined or controlled in accordance with the provisions of any order or regulation relating to rabies issued by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of this chapter,

    Jack's collar was cut by her neighbor, therefore he was "roaming" and untagged and uncontrolled, completely submitting him to the law stated above.. He growled at the cops as well (be it deserved!!) , under CT law - they have a right to take him.

  • Ok so I have been reading this thread since you posted it, and I think today I am finaly calm enough to respond without using nasty words.

    I am so sorry to hear that you and Jack have had to go through this, it just rips at my heart that there are people out there like your neighbors.

    I am with Sharron on just letting Karma choose when and were to teach these people a lesson on what being a nasty individual brings.

    Please know that your family is in all our thoughts as you go through this. Hopefully you can find a good method for keeping your furbaby safe from those maniacs that you (unfortunatly) have to call neighbors.

  • @Schouiffy:

    I thought that too - but this article was a response to a legal question. You have to actually read into the law itself to find validation in the officer's actions. Here is their justification

    Citation: CT ST § 22-327 to § 22-367a

    Citation: C.G.S.A. § 22-327 to § 22-367a
    Under Title 22 of CT LAW

    § 22-332. Impoundment and disposition of roaming, injured or mistreated animals

    (a) The Chief Animal Control Officer, any animal control officer or any municipal animal control officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of this chapter and shall make diligent search and inquiry for any violation of any of its provisions. Any such officer may take into custody (1) any dog found roaming in violation of the provisions of section 22-364, (2) any dog not having a tag or plate on a collar about its neck or on a harness on its body as provided by law or which is not confined or controlled in accordance with the provisions of any order or regulation relating to rabies issued by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of this chapter,

    Jack's collar was cut by her neighbor, therefore he was "roaming" and untagged and uncontrolled, completely submitting him to the law stated above.. He growled at the cops as well (be it deserved!!) , under CT law - they have a right to take him.

    Your point is well taken except, if she has proof that the dog has a current Rabie shot, then it affects their right to hold that dog and should be challanged. They already gave her a ticket for the roaming according to what I read. It also clearly states that the dog has to have bitten to be held.


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