Off leash park in newspaper

  • @Barklessdog:

    Oh, the basenji is happy, it's just the looks of the owners faces, like "what's wrong with that dog?"

    Or the basenji goes to far with an unknown dog that can do some damage to the basenji or the basenji does damage to a little flopsy mopsy dog. What looks like play can turn into a fight if one dog is pushed too far. You know which dog will do the pushing too.

    Ah, that makes sense. I suppose we'll see how Dallas does when he's old enough. I'm not going to rule them out entirely. I'm going to give them a chance but I think once going to a dog park you can get a feel for the people who bring their dogs & if I see any suspicious dogs I would probably bail out for mine & Dallas' safety & sanity! I certainly will be cautious because he means far too much to me (already after 5 days) to risk him being hurt because of someone else's canine!

  • My friend Lisa Saban, who has a show basenji girl, goes to this park every weekend.
    She says there is lots of places to walk the dogs, all fenced that you can be
    away from the "group" if your dog is acting up.
    I am going to take my 2 beloved, but sort-of-bad b's over, once the weather is better.
    I will be happy to send a report.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    My friend Lisa Saban, who has a show basenji girl, goes to this park every weekend.
    She says there is lots of places to walk the dogs, all fenced that you can be
    away from the "group" if your dog is acting up.
    I am going to take my 2 beloved, but sort-of-bad b's over, once the weather is better.
    I will be happy to send a report.

    Maybe that's her dog in the photo?

    I wish there were some way to be sure that one day there'd be only B-people there. At least then when mine act like wild animals who've never had a day of instruction in their lives people may understand a little! 😞

  • @JazzysMom:

    I wish there were some way to be sure that one day there'd be only B-people there. At least then when mine act like wild animals who've never had a day of instruction in their lives people may understand a little! 😞

    Geez, what a whiner…... :rolleyes:

  • Nope that isn't hers.
    She has a small brindle girl.
    But she can be as "bitchy" as a large girl.
    Mostly, I think if we all want to set up a time and go, and we keep walking, not just standing around waiting for the dogs to do "stuff" we can have a fun day.
    I will watch the weather and let you know when I plan to head over.
    My hope is its a place we can one day get the EBC club to have a basenji fun day this summer.

  • I took my previous beastie to a park a few miles away (not nearly as big as in the youtube video) but I started first by going early on a saturday morning before anyone else got there. That way my beastie got to see the lay of the land before others came and at first there would only be one or two other dogs. Then I started on weekday afternoons (it was summer so I could sneak out of work early) so there would still only be a few dogs. My beastie would mostly ignore the others until one day when a bunch of labs and dalmations showed up. They would gang up on mine to get him to play but he didn't like that. Ganging up was a big no no with him.
    I haven't taken EL D to that park yet, he's a little dog-aggressive. I'm hoping the obedience class will help some with that.

  • I went to a dog park near me once when our dog was a year old. When I let him off his leash he seemed confused and just walked by my side unleashed the whole time (before he became same sex aggressive). Later some lady got knocked over by a large dog and broke her arm or something and they closed the dog park

  • I guess we are just very lucky to have dog parks with pretty nice dogs that go there, and many people that are willing to step up if a dog is really getting aggressive. We go every day to our local park, and meet up every Sunday with the other basenji folks that we know, so our experience is very good. I do know, that all parks are not equal. Especially when they first open, people go that really aren't 'dog park savvy' and take dogs that aren't 'dog park material'. Here in Tampa, there are a couple of parks that we won't go to, but there are 3 or 4 really good ones too. A good one is wonderful, a bad one is just too stressful!

    Anne and the MacPack

  • We just had some dogs getting sick in some parks in Seattle.
    Some sick person was putting bad things out for them.
    Please make sure you dogs don't eat anything from these open park areas.
    Lots of crazies out there.

  • We are lucky down here in SoCal. There is a great dog park up in the Hollywood hills, lots of rare and interesting breeds, celebs, and nice people. I also have to say most of the people are good about keepin an eye on the dogs. I have seen people with naughty dogs that will get run out of the park like a mob on frankenstein lol. PLUS we have the SoCal basenji meet up there every Saturday!!! I used to be really apprehensive/scared about going to the dog park. It was my boyfriend Brian that got me into the whole idea about going. Now years later we must have been to dogs parks hundreds of times with so many good memories and have made new friends.
    Although it is true some dog parks are are WAY better than others. I have been to a couple dog parks in the bay area where the owners dont pay enough attention to their dogs. Or the dog park in North Hollywood we stopped going to for a while because there were all the sudden to many pit and bully owners <& I'm talking about gang banger pit bull owners btw.
    Hey some dogs and people dig it some dont I guess.

  • We go to the same park as vStripe. I started taking Tyler to off-leash dog parks (there are several in the LA area) when he was only a few months old. We started in the small dog areas and now he plays with all the big guys. He learned his social skills from the other dogs and has never had a problem.

    Because we live in a condo, going to our off-leash areas is a very important part of life. The dog beaches, hiking trails and parks are where he gets most of his energy out. He's super-friendly and likes almost every dog and person he meets. I believe that he's this way because he got such an early start in socialization.

    Dogs that are new to being around a lot of other dogs need their owners to be careful and take it slow. It can be overwhelming.

  • @Barklessdog:

    I went to a dog park near me once when our dog was a year old. When I let him off his leash he seemed confused and just walked by my side unleashed the whole time…

    I agree wholeheartedly. My MIL has a dog park by her house and we took Rocky there once or twice. But he to acted very different. At home (or at friends houses with enclosed yards) he goes Mach-5 and runs/leaps/bounces all over the place. At the dog park, he just trotted off about 15 feet away, checked out the direction of the wind, and trotted right back to me. And there he stayed. We even went at a time when there were fewer dogs, and the dogs there were all ones he knew. Go figure.

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