Evidence that Toby needs a playmate/companion
wrote on 27 Jul 2007, 21:02 last edited by
wrote on 27 Jul 2007, 21:45 last edited by
I couldn't quite figure out how to get the video in, but it is veiwable at photobucket, just click on the link!
wrote on 27 Jul 2007, 21:53 last edited by
We had two terrier mixes when we got our first B and experienced the same type of thing.
Yeah, we sort of picked up a couple more B's.:D
Two of them can be a handfull at times, it's not an end all to all B behavior problems.
I do think they do better in pairs.;)
wrote on 27 Jul 2007, 22:05 last edited by
What is so funny to me is that poor Jazz just takes it. He wants to play but he is 11 years old, and they really do love each other.
wrote on 27 Jul 2007, 22:08 last edited by
Awwwwww, very cute video. :)
wrote on 27 Jul 2007, 23:03 last edited by
I really think Jazz needs a playmate that can keep up to him. Our old girl plays for like 10 seconds with the pup and that's it-then she goes and hides on her chair!
wrote on 28 Jul 2007, 05:48 last edited by
So cute! :) I love it, it reminds me of when my dad's dog Simeon wanted to play with our JRT mix Sampson. They were the same age, but Sampson was always an "old man"…
so sad Simeon didn't outlast Sampson.. :(
wrote on 28 Jul 2007, 11:42 last edited by
OMG, that video is SO cute! I love the "shark teeth"… so classic! It's so funny that it seems like all B's do that pawing thing to get others to play with them. And then resort to biting of the other's tail! LoL! And of course the vocalization. That's how Miles plays with Lexi. Miles is much more into playing with dogs and almost seems NOT to know how to play with toys. It's odd. Lexi's the opposite. All she wants to do is go get you a toy. And when Miles disrupts, she gives him the shark teeth and tries to run him off long enough to get me to throw the toy for her! So funny!
I definitely think they do better in pairs- that's why I rescued Miles from the pound. Lexi was really mopey and sad. I swear she was depressed!! It's much better with TWO!! (Or more!!) :)
PS- I tell Lexi the same thing: Where are those kitties?! And she runs to the window to look outside for them! I nearly fell over when I saw yours do that!!
wrote on 29 Jul 2007, 12:55 last edited by
That video is darling. Toby really wants to play. I guess he does need a playmate with the same energy level. I would love to have a playmate for my Hollie.
wrote on 29 Jul 2007, 20:55 last edited by
At the Waukesha Show this weekend - Sofia - the blind puppy had the occasion to meet up with some bigger cousins - 2 Beezers. She had a blast - - my camera is not fast enough so that you don't really see their antics - more the before and after but she sure does make friends.
I just posted a couple of pictures at the bottom of the NEWS page on my website. Too funny.
wrote on 29 Jul 2007, 23:55 last edited by
At the Waukesha Show this weekend - Sofia - the blind puppy had the occasion to meet up with some bigger cousins - 2 Beezers. She had a blast - - my camera is not fast enough so that you don't really see their antics - more the before and after but she sure does make friends.
I just posted a couple of pictures at the bottom of the NEWS page on my website. Too funny.
She is so beautiful. I know she would be great for Toby. Thanks for sharing.
wrote on 30 Jul 2007, 17:40 last edited by
wrote on 30 Jul 2007, 19:27 last edited by
I love when they do the paw / poking thing.
wrote on 30 Jul 2007, 20:05 last edited by
I love that too, Your b's vocals are SOO interesting, like a dino growl, lol. CUTE!!