Basenjis and their nails...
wrote on 25 Jan 2022, 18:49 last edited by
Nails and Nail trimming.... Basenjis or Any breed/Mix nails... it is really important that you do your dogs nails.. having the done by the Vet or their support staff is NOT really acceptable. You really need to learn how to do them yourself and should be done at least every two to three weeks. For show dogs, every week... a couple of days before the show. And everyone can do this... responsible breeders do this to their pups from a very early age, they start with human nail clippers and knock of the tips and then go to grinders.. it is up to the new owners to continue... not just wait till a Vet has to do this... This is really important... so take note
wrote on 25 Jan 2022, 19:59 last edited by
Agreed. It also takes time to teach one's dog to sit for this, and takes time to master cutting right, not too short.
replied to sanjibasenji on 25 Jan 2022, 20:12 last edited by
@sanjibasenji - That is why I use a grinder... less chance to not cut too short... and I put the pup/adult on their back between my legs to grind nails... and lots of treats per leg/nail... I hate using nail clippers.. and have used a grinder for 30+ years...
wrote on 25 Jan 2022, 20:18 last edited by
And to add to this, brushing their teeth at least 3 to 4 times a week is a good practice also. I use a human youth soft brush and use Petsmile toothpaste. Also I give and have for many years put Plaque Off in their food daily... it is a power that you mix in their food, they really do not know that it is added, that said, I have done this from the litters and continued every day, every year... it has never been a problem put this in the food, it is a very small scoop, less than 1/8 of a teaspoon... it is worth it, but you still need to brush their teeth...
replied to tanza on 25 Jan 2022, 20:33 last edited by
@tanza said in Basenjis and their nails...:
Plaque Off
Sounds not only like a dental treatment, but like something I want to say to someone when they cut in front of me on the highway. : - o
replied to sanjibasenji on 25 Jan 2022, 21:38 last edited by
@sanjibasenji - LOL
wrote on 25 Jan 2022, 23:46 last edited by
I find that the longer and more frequent doodle's walks are, the less I have to worry about her nails. The concrete and asphalt of our walks and roads do a great job of grinding away the excess. ;)
replied to tanza on 26 Jan 2022, 11:17 last edited by Zande
@tanza If you do it correctly and regularly, weekly or every two weeks, it doesn't become an issue. Mine know they get a 'special bickie' when it is all done and rush to the kitchen door (treats are kept in the Utility Room) as soon the last nail is cut.
You need to get into a routine of nail cutting or dremelling. I use sometimes the dremel and sometimes the Resco cutters.
You can't rely on pavements to do the job for you, @elbrant. Some dogs have much harder nails than others and those of us who run our dogs through fields and woodlands certainly need to get into a routine.
I don't have to do teeth - my butcher gives me huge rump-bones every Friday. But the same thing goes for others, less lucky (!) - a weekly cleaning routine at the very least.
replied to Zande on 26 Jan 2022, 17:21 last edited by
@zande said in Basenjis and their nails...:
huge rump-bones every Friday
Incidentally, I got Sanji a big bone from the butcher (they're not free here, $6 per bone). But due to the fatty grease and oils, I let him chew on it only in the crate, typically while we eat dinner. That turned out to be a serendipitous move. I no longer have to feed him a treat while he's in there, he stays busy chewing, and he looks forward to getting in each night. When he's done, I wash his feet and keep the crate closed.
replied to sanjibasenji on 26 Jan 2022, 18:12 last edited by Zande
@sanjibasenji I remove all fat from the bones and render it down as dripping (wonderful for roasting potatoes !) so they don't ingest too much fat.
They are happy for hours gnawing away and in the playbox among the toys are several bones which I would have thought tasteless by now but Kito goes and gets them out and they appear all over the house. Totally dried out.
That's another Friday job, cleaning lady collects bones and replaces them in the toybox. She does that while I am sawing up that day's offering. I do saw the bones into more manageable pieces.
wrote on 27 Jan 2022, 01:29 last edited by
@tanza Trimmed all the puppy nails today. Squirmy slippery strong willful little things some of them are.
replied to sanjibasenji on 27 Jan 2022, 05:50 last edited by
@sanjibasenji said in Basenjis and their nails...:
$6 per bone
I don't remember where you are located, but .... in the U.S. you can ask your local grocery butcher to set aside "neck bones" for you. These are essentially just bones trimmed off of Chuck Roast, T-bones, and other cuts. My butcher sells them to me for $1/#, which usually comes out to about 5 or 6 smaller bones with some beef attached. (note: I freeze them to avoid bloody residue from them. Doodle is a-ok working on them straight out of the freezer.)
replied to tanza on 29 Jan 2022, 16:23 last edited by
We have two butcher shops. Jack's (a very local small chain) and LaLonds.
But I found in Kroger's a really good dog Prosciutto bone ($6) that's cheaper than the butcher bone ($7), and it's got more meat on it. Not quite as big, but Sanji loves it. Ate all the meat, still chewing on the bone.
replied to Zande on 29 Jan 2022, 16:26 last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to sanjibasenji on 29 Jan 2022, 16:28 last edited by
Indeed Sally. I was inspired by your advice months ago to find a big bone for him. Finally did. Thanks!
replied to sanjibasenji on 29 Jan 2022, 16:54 last edited by
@sanjibasenji My saw is getting blunt ! I had a job sawing up yesterday's bone into manageable pieces ! But they do last weeks, sometime months.