Looking for a Basenji (Paisley, Glasgow area)
Hi , my friends papa is looking for a Basenji puppy male . He is located Paisley just outside Glasgow , if any breeders are online could you get in contact please . Thanks
replied to JodieMck100 on last edited by
@jodiemck100 Nothing around anywhere in UK now for a 12 month. Basenji bitches are once a year girls and in the northern hemisphere come into season Sept / Oct / Nov for whelping Nov / Dec / Jan. Then they take a well earned rest, and the breeders relax until it is time to think about pairings again. Puppies will have been scattered into their new homes by now.
Best get onto a waiting list - if you can find one not already full - for winter 2021 - 2022. Many breeders have carried their lists over - one breeder said he has enough enquiries / orders for four years. I had 240 (so far and still counting) enquiries since Lockdown and I haven't bred for over 10 years. That will give you an idea of the scale of the demand.