• Well we are thinking of adopting another B. We can't believe it ourselves but we do think it's best for our B. He really loves other dogs and loves playing so we thought it would be a great idea to give him a sibling. I have filled out a form with BRAT and waiting for the perfect match. Has to be close in age (our B is 1yr. 4months), potty trained, good with kids, and of course good with other dogs. Everyone thinks we are nuts and hey so do we, especially after re-reading all the past threads I've posted. But hey things have gotten better so if it's meant to be, we might be adding a new b into our lives. Funny I never thought I would be saying that. Plus we are thinking of having a baby soon (human baby) so this would be good for Champ so he has his own little companion. Wish us luck:eek:

  • Good Luck!!!
    I'm sure Champ will love his new brother or sister whether human or basenji. 😉

  • congrats… you know they say that Basenjis are like potato chips, you just can't have one!!!!!! Hope all works out with BRAT....?? You could be in for the long haul....

  • that's o.k give us time to make sure this is right and if it happens sooner than later, it was just meant to be.

  • I'm convinced two are better than one…....good luck.;)

  • that is great news! keep your eye on petfinder.com as well…..keep us posted!!

  • We got 2 from the start and just got number 3.

  • <<2 B's are we nuts? >>


    How is Champ's training going? Is he still growling at people?

  • No he never growled it's the nipping and yes but only at newbies and our daughter but i'm convinced he just does this for play. He's doing good in the training, learning the basic's. My mom is still afraid to come over though since he is obsessed with initiating her into his B world of nipping. But I do believe that with another buddy he won't be into nipping us anymore since he will have one of his own to play rough with. Thanks for asking.

  • Oh wait I do remember the growling..lol. Yes this aggresive thing he has…he dosen't do it much just rarely and now I'm not scared anymore and just pull him off the couch or wherever he's being possessive. But I think he's learning this is not acceptable. Funny how I was so upset about this at one point and now it's like yeah but I can handler him. I am ready for number 2!

  • @luzmery928:

    Oh wait I do remember the growling..lol. Yes this aggresive thing he has…he dosen't do it much just rarely and now I'm not scared anymore and just pull him off the couch or wherever he's being possessive. But I think he's learning this is not acceptable. Funny how I was so upset about this at one point and now it's like yeah but I can handler him. I am ready for number 2!

    I would be a little concerned if he is still nipping, I really don't think that getting another B will stop that… and it must might increase it. Nipping should not be acceptable... my oldest male (one of 5) was a nipper.. and he never lacked for other B's in the house, in fact, they never accepted him nipping them. However it was made plain to him that nipping was not acceptable behavior.. your boy reminds me alot of my OJ as a younger dog...

  • The trainer just told us to try put his attention on something else when he nipps like a special toy or something but nothing is working. He no longer nipps everyone but of course I wish he would stop nipping all together. Any suggestions as you might remember from my past threads I've tried it all and now I'm using bitter lime since the apple didn't do the trick and so instead of nipping, when my daughter sprays it on herself he starts scratching her as if to wipe it off.

  • How did u correct your OJ Tanza? I'm always looking for new ideas. Though I must say he has stopped doing it so often. Now we are starting the pennies in the can so we'll see how that works.

  • Good luck in your search. I would recommend getting a girl since you have a boy.

  • Oh, for sure a girl…. if you have a boy..... opp sexes typically work the best...

    Time and time and more time with OJ, anytime he nip, it was a time out.. not that we crated him, we just ignored him... you have to be consistant and so does every member of the family. When he plays nice without nipping the lots of praise... No rough housing, no tug of war, no play the minute he would nip... if he nipped to get attention, he got the opposite.. none, nada attention. When re-engaging him, he had to do something, like sit, lay down, stay... to re-connect with our attention

    Again, what brings on the nipping?

  • We got another mate for Duke - keeps him busy, way busy, annoying kind of busy for us who are trying HEAR or concentrate. You might expect a lot, more than you can imagine with the brawling. They get into many disagreements and arguments over toys and chewys. So much that they have to be removed from the scene, so I can get them to stop. They are both young though, and I hope they iron everything out soon. Both try to be the alpha dog. Daisy (5+ months) is giving Duke (17 months) a good run. But I think they enjoy the brawling and all for the most part. 😞

    Sometimes it's double-trouble because Daisy taught Duke to surf tables and shred toilet paper, tissue and paper toweling - things he didn't do until . . . When I decided on another, Duke was trained well enough and had no more puppy problems. The thought was the new pup would learn from Duke. I am thankful that I don't have to train two B's obedience commands at the same time. I hope you are able to get an adult that has most of the training done for you and one that is potty trained - best scenario, I would guess. Good luck with your search. 🙂

  • As soon as he sees my daughter come out of her room in the am he nips. She dosen't pay much attention to him so that's why I say he does it for play. My nieces come over and they are non stop hugs, kisses and playing with him so he dosen't nip them. When someone new comes to the house he wants to nip but after the 3rd visit he settles down.

  • Does he know sit or down? If not, should teach him… and then when your daughter comes out of her room, she should immediately have him sit.. (would help at first if she has treats for him)... then she can reward him for doing a behavior that is acceptable... same when strangers come in.. if you put him in a sit/stay.. and then the person rewards him, he will come to understand that this is a great behavior that gets him rewards... you will find most times after a while he will learn to just sit when people come in.. expecting a reward.. and it doesn't have to be a treat.. pets and a "good boy" works to...

  • oh that makes lots of sense..thanks

  • @luzmery928:

    oh that makes lots of sense..thanks

    Welcome…. let us know if it helps.... with these guys, they want attention, but they also are looking for a job to do... doing an acceptable behavior still gets them the attention in a good positive way....

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