I adopted this dog in February. She had mange and has an inverted eyelid. I thought she was Jack Russell and hound mix but I saw an image of a basenji and it really made me think of my girl. She doesn't have the connected toe pad, but I figure maybe a mix breed wouldn't have it, also her tail is straight as well. She howls more than she barks and her throat really expands out as she howls. She thinks all toys are her toys and has an unspeakable bond with me. Guess I'm just asking for opinions while I hopefully save up for a DNA test š
I'm going to suggest a possible Basenji/Jack mix. There is much that reminds me of a Basenji (head, ears, wrinkled brow) and much that reminds me of a Jack (leg structure). Basenji's are "square", in that they stand as tall as they are long. If you measure at the withers (base of the neck on her back), you should get the same measurment from the floor to there as from the tip of her tail to there. Her back looks like it may be typical for a Basenji, but the legs are far too short for the equation. Here are 2 links from the ACK that descirbe how a Basenji and Russell "should" look like. You might enjoy comparing the two to your girl...
Basenji Breed Info
Russell Terrier Breed InfoOf course, if you really want to know, there are Doggie DNA companies that could tell you (for sure). Either way, it sounds like she's lucky that you came along! Enjoy her!
Oh awesome thanks! Yeah I thought Jack Russell bc her legs are short in comparison to her body! Her tail curls slightly but is mostly straight and long. I got her because she reminded me of my Jack rat! š She has barely any fur because of the mange that went untrested. She was tossed outside and had a litter of pups that all died. Her face is super wrinkly and I love it lol
I'd say there is at least some Basenji in that head, albeit not a lot ! Whatever she turns out to be, she's certainly a lucky dog to have met you, had her scourges cured and to have found someone she can really bond with. Love her to pieces - and do a DNA test if you feel you'd like to be sure. Continued good luck to you both !