A video me and my bf put together of Nikita. Some random clips to enjoy :) My fat Bengal Mix cat Tigger makes an appearance with some cut together clips of him "attacking" her lol. Followed by the "BARK" I described in an earlier post of her Boofing at random reflections in the door lol. ENJOY! :)
I'll try to get more pictures - my camera is old and he tends to come to me when he sees it so all the pictures end up blurry.
And I'm still waiting for the "two are easier than one" part ;)
How do you work on training one when the other sees treats being given out or take them for a walk when each wants to go a different (opposite) way? Oh wait, it is easy when they are napping :D
hi and welcome! i think you will like it here. nice people, eye candy (in the form of basenji pics), i often come here to vent and laugh. some say basenjis are like potato chips…you cant have just one! your kiddos are cute!