I need to find a home for my female pb basenji
First, is the full time student you (obviously caps are a trigger for some) or another person in your house? If not, there are 2 people and her best home is where she is. Get her interactive toys, exercise her when home, sleep with her at night. If the dog really only has the full time student/working person, then you need to contact the breeder first if you got her from one.
If not, I suggest Florida's Camp Basenji.
https://www.facebook.com/Camp-Basenji-469761239735368/Where is she located? If you have to go with a different rescue, see if they'll let you list her and be responsible about screening a new home.
Posts here also are on the Facebook group. Someone there also asked where she is located:
https://www.facebook.com/basenjiforums/ -
Hello, we are in the Los Angeles area and looking to adopt an adult B.
You can also go through the Medfly Brigade Basenji Rescue, http://www.basenjirescue.com/ -
Find it interesting DebraDownSouth that your question was not answered! I too am wondering why missymoo is giving up the dog other than she doesn't want to be bothered now!
@missymoo BRAT is your very best bet to rehome your basenji . You can contact them at https://www.basenjirescue.org/. They are very kind and will make sure your girl gets a nice home. You can trust them and they have volunteers all over the country. She will be safe in their hands. Best wishes,
Nancy -
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth I think kindness is in order for anyone looking to responsibly rehome their Basenji. None of us are in any position to assign motives to someone we don't know. We want to keep this forum accepting of all Basenji owners and people will stop coming if they get a lecture on how to live their lives from the forum members. I am sure you did not realize in your zeal to protect this basenji that your comments were fairly critical. I know you were only trying to help, but I'll bet this lady is broken hearted to have to give up her Basenji-we should choose kind words until we know differently.
replied to NancySS on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to NancySS on last edited by DebraDownSouthThis post is deleted!
Thank you Nancy! This has been an agonizing decision. You are a kind person and I thought this would be an understanding place to start. This will be my last post based on Debby Downers hateful comments followed by Krazy's equally rude comment. I will try to find other resources mention in these posts. So please don't reply as I will not be returning to this message board.
replied to missymoo on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth As I SAID, you probably did not realize your questions about missymoo's personal life were critical of her decision. You then gave helpful info, but the questions were offputting....and apparently she felt so too since she has already left the group. If you take issue with what I said, I am sorry...I meant them kindly.
I am new to this forum so I offer this advice with respect and humility. When writing a letter or a text or email etc., be careful in the way you express yourself. Read over what you have written. Is this how you would speak to another person face to face? Sometimes our written messages comes off sounding mean or officious without intending to offend anyone. Like this: “ All staff members on the committee report to my office. “ OR
“Good morning. Would everyone who’s on the committee please pop over to my office this morning”. One sounds unfriendly one sounds friendly. Which one would you rather hear? This is just common curtesy. If you’ve ever been told you sounded rude in your written communication, take the criticism like an adult. Look twice at what you wrote. Have someone else proofread your messages. As in everything, kindness begets kindness. And you will accomplish more and be happier. -
replied to NancySS on last edited byThis post is deleted!
Bottom line, it's the internet, it's a forum, people aren't always going to express themselves in a "politically correct" manner. Leaving a forum because one or two people were a little too direct or critical is perhaps being a tad sensitive/defensive. I wouldn't be on any forums if I reacted that way! ;-)
replied to Aileen on last edited by
Tone is almost impossible to read on a forum. Rule of thumb is if someone says something that is only mean/disrespectful/unkind through someone interpreting it that way, consider the issue is the one interpreting.As for me, if I mean something harsh, no interpreting is necessary.
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth Oh for crying out loud! I have been trying to be kind...Talk about diatribes-you keep asking me to explain myself and then when I do ,you accuse me of writing diatribes!!!! Since you INSIST again I answer your question, I will try to use the kind of language you understand....Asking someone who you don't know about their personal life is just RUDE (not politically incorrect ...RUDE). You said and I use YOUR capitalization... "First is the the full time student YOU?" This poor woman who found herself having to give up her Basenji after 9 years does NOT need.an inquisition from YOU! Nor does she need YOU to instruct her on what is best for her Basenji. She knew that and had already made the hard decision, and was looking for help rehoming her dog. Tone MAY be hard to read....but the way in which words are used (and capitalization for emphasis removes any question.) It is amazing that you call my suggesting that a kind approach is better than a rude one as an "attack".
Then you feel perfectly free to post this "Please explain why you attacked me and not anyone who actually made personal comments about the person, bad breeder, no interest etc. Could it be you just were waiting to make an attack on me personally and didn't notice how obvious it would be? When I need you to tell me what to post, I'll be sure to ask. In the meantime, review the forum rules about personal attacks." Why in the world would I be waiting to make an attack on you? I don't even know you-except now I would say you are kind of paranoid and assign attcks to others when you use them yourself. The poor woman LEFT the forum before she could see you last "helpful" remark...You'll find it easier if you don't interject nastiness into things where none was intended. This is my last "diatribe" . Stop writing to me and I will agree to do the same so you will never have to suffer another "attack" from me since you believe I have nothing to do but "wait to make an attack on you personally". Believe me, I could not care less about you.
You know what? Things are a lot friendlier when nobody takes it upon themselves to criticize the posts of others or tries to police the thread. It's an internet forum. People do express their opinions. Sometimes those opinions or suggestions may be perceived as harsh. So be it. Water under the bridge at this point. Let it go.....