Bad news for Ayo. Bladder stones in urethra
not that Wiki is the best reference for medical info, but i thought this interesting:
"This disease is known to occur in at least three mammalian species: humans, domestic canines, and a wild canid, the Maned Wolf of South America. Cystine uroliths have been demonstrated, usually in male dogs, from approximately 70 breeds including the Australian cattle dog, Australian shepherd, Basenji, Basset, Bullmastiff, Chihuahua, Scottish deerhound, Scottish terrier, Staffordshire terrier, Welsh corgi, and both male and female Newfoundland dogs. "
sorry, don't mean to hijack your thread, but this on the akc website:
It is, however, advisable to keep an eye on the ph level. While you can't prevent the formation of more stones, you can make sure the levels are not too high. If I had known this before, I could have at least helped Johnny. The levels should stay between 5.5 and 7 with the median being 6.3.
Ayo was having trouble urinating again last noght, and this morning it got worse , so back we went to the vet where a new x ray revealed another stone , stuck in the urethra. I am very confused becuase, fist of all why does he have one a few days after surgery and why is it stuck, i thoight the purpose of the urethrostomy was ao the stones would not get stuck. They emptied his bladder with a, i dnt know what that is called in english, a thin tube that they insert through the urethra into the bladder. he is now urinating better, but the stone didnt move much. he is not comepletetly blocked. but i am waiting to hear from the doctor, who wasnt there and was unreachable.. To see what we should do next….. Im so frustrated!!!.. Here's a picture of the xray...
Poor thing. i wish i had something helpful to say.
hopefully he's doing better now.
i've missed having the b-forums around -
Do please let us know how Ayo is getting on…
Sorry I had not posted but a lot has happened. Ayo ended up having another surgery. The new stone was pushed back to the bladder and they proceeded to take it out from there but in the middle of the surgery it slipped back into the urethra, so they had to go ahead and do the full scrotal urethrostomy, which is what he should have had in the first place. He was neutered and now the opening is in the best place and is bigger so he should be able to always pass the stones without problem , as do bitches when they have this condition. He was pretty beat up for a few days. I feel terribel for having put him through two surgeries. he is still bleeding a little bit after he urinates. But pther than that he is doing very well. he is back to normal, chasing evrything that moves, messing with my cats, who were happy to be left alone for a few days. So I know he is getting better. Tomorrow he gets the last few stitches removed and ankther blood test .
poor boy. i'm glad it sounds like he's mending and that should take care fo things.
Glad your poor boy is getting back to normal, what a rough time he has had and you too. Wishing you all the best.
Jolanda and Kaiser