It's Official…
Kaia hasn't done any urine marking and since she's always been so petite I was relieved when he said we should be fine waiting until July. I'm going to have to figure out a way to keep her from overdoing it and prevent Loki from licking or chewing at her stitches…I do have tea tree oil on hand so that should help.
I was relieved, too. I had an appt already made and was glad to cancel it. But Ava is urine marking again. Yesterday, she marked me! She is also licking like crazy. I'm concerned about her growth plates, but they should be almost closed, if they're not already. I bought some tea tree oil, too, and will hold out as long as I can!
Is Kaia still a petite girl?
She's had two UTIs and has gone through three rounds of antibiotics over the past few months. Urinalysis came back clear last week. Not sure why she's having so many issues with that.
She's had two UTIs and has gone through three rounds of antibiotics over the past few months. Urinalysis came back clear last week. Not sure why she's having so many issues with that.
It can happen with puppies…. and Urinalysis doesn't always show an infection. And I would still wonder about Vaginitis as it is more common in dogs under one year.
It can happen with puppies…. and Urinalysis doesn't always show an infection. And I would still wonder about Vaginitis as it is more common in dogs under one year.
She has had a little eye discharge, which the vet said was probably allergies. Does Vaginitis not show up in a urinalysis/culture? Is the treatment usually diet and supplements?
Sorry, TMartin… but maybe this applies to Kaia, too!
or just seach the net about puppy vaginitis
No problems, lets me learn for future reference which is always a good thing :)
Kaia is still petite. I haven't weighed her in about 2 weeks or so, she had been hovering just a smidge under 18 lbs, she may have finally gone over that now. That's why I was hoping to put off until July, wanted to make sure she had plenty of time to grow because we weren't too sure if she grows slowly or if she'll just stay petite. But I look back on her first pictures with us and wonder when she got so big!