Sounds like shes totally a "basenji".
My mind has been going around in circles trying to figure out of shes a Basenji or if Basenjis are HER. Basically someone brought some of these african dogs to america and just decided what the standard should be and now they have been bred to be true to these strict standards… but of course in Africa there is so much more variation because nobody has been selectively breeding them to the fixed standard...they just evolved to be like that because it suits their environment.... but basically she IS a basenji just not one that has been bred to the guidlines... but on the other hand basenjis are just strictly bred "african village dogs" which is precisely what she IS... so are Basenjis her or is SHE a Basenji??? whoaaaa
I read an article recently in National Geographic about African Village dogs that says that after genetic testing it was revealed that they are just as closely related to wolves as they are to domestic dogs in developed countries... They ALSO said almost the same thing about Basenjis... that MOST "ancient breeds" are not ancient at all only bred to LOOK ancient... with the exception of Basenjis. Basenjis are closer to wolves than almost any other dog "breed" showing that they truly ARE carrying around ancient DNA... only African Village dogs beat them because they have not been polluted with "dog" DNA along the way.
Anyways... I know you guys are like actual "basenji" owners and might have known all of that already... but SHEESH i really love Basenjis even more now.... they truly are an amazing specimen of canine evolution retaining all the traits that early dogs needed to survive in the ourskirts of human civilization! : )
(did i mention im a biologist : o )
YAY Basenjis!! YAY my dog : )