I am thinking about switching my B, Kiora, to Raw. My beautiful mixed breed baby, Ananda, had to be put to sleep on Saturday. She had what was likely bone marrow cancer. I never thought a dog of mine would get cancer because for many years I have fed them high quality, grain free, kibble. Although I did feed Ananda very bad food (Purina, Iams…etc) for the first 3 years of her life before I became educated about dog foods. Now I am kind of feeling like my efforts were insufficient.
So I would like to switch Kiora onto a raw, or mostly raw, diet. I do have a few concerns/questions:
I have read when buying raw it is more ecomonical to purchase in bulk, however I do not have the space to store the quanities that I was reading (30 lb boxes). Buying another freezer is not an option. Is it really outrageous to buy meat that is not in bulk? I would be willing to spend 50 or maybe 60 dollars a month...can I feed one 22 lb basenji raw on that budget?
Time is another potential constraint. I am reading that it takes more time and effort to feed raw. Most of the time I can take a few extra minutes to feed her but being a college student who also works, some days I just want to crash on the couch and can't even prepare myself food. Would it be fine to feed her food I've prepared for her most of the week but then feed her some pre-packaged raw mixed with a little kibble a couple times a week?
I am also concerned about the bones. I know raw bones don't splinter but Kiora is such a chow hound I am worried she will choke on a bone in her zeal. Is it o.k to grind up the meat in a food processor so that the bone is mixed in finely with the rest of the meat? What about for a larger animal? Give her bones so big she can't possibly choke?
I hope it is appropriate to ask these questions here. I was going to start my own thread but this seemed to be the thread designated for questions/comments on raw.