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Adult Basenji and Adult Cats

Basenji Talk
  • Basenjis and cats CAN work, but it is something you have to work on. We only have one cat now, she is 18, and she spends most of her time on a 'cat tree' in the front window. When she does wander around the house, I do keep an eye out for her, just in case. But Kipawa just seems to want to lick her! I know that is his idea of bonding, because he licks my feet every night before we all go to bed (in the same bed!).

  • Becca is a licker too. Arms, legs, backs….whatever is exposed. Are all B's lickers?

  • @krunzer:

    Are all B's lickers?

    I would say yes, if you are wet. Haven't had one yet that didn't want to "help" dry me off when I get out of the shower. But none of mine have been kissers or face lickers. Hands and arms, yes. I taught a couple to "give a kiss" and they would, but reluctantly. However, my second bitch would get into a mood and proceed to "clean" me, and then the face…..eyes, ears, nose, anything where there might be lots of attention. My current boy will not lick on the face at all.

  • when suki was about 16 mos.,.

  • Thanks for the input everyone! I will keep my options open. Snooper and the cats were never a problem. But then, he grew up with Mittens, our six-toed gray. They would often sleep within a paw's length of each other. I will definitely keep adoption in mind as we search for the right addition to our family. Thanks again! Barb

  • I don't think all B's are lickers.. Oakley will help me dry off but hates affectionate kisses, he is obscenely attached tO me but kissing my feet, Arms, hands etc are out of the question! How dare me if I ask for a lick or a kiss…
    But he does accept love and rubs but only if they are for him, he is ALL for receiving love, just not giving it

  • Ayo grew up with my two cats I the apartment, but he has never really gotten along with them. I don't know, maybe I didn't do it right. But he has always been a chaser, and he would chase them all e time. the male cat Luca, is big and brave and always stands his ground and fights back, which scares me because he can hurt Ayos eyes!. The female is a Siamese, Frida, and she is very shy and always runs away, so Ayo gives her a really hard time. I have not been able to make it so that they are together and calm. my solution has been keeping the back, laundry area and service room off limits to Ayo, while I'm home during the day. The cats are back there sleeping all day anyway, and at night, Ayo is in the bedroom with me so the cats have the rest of the apartment for themselves. Which is when they are most active anyway. They also have the apartment when I am not home, because either Ayo is in a separate room, where his crate and things are, or he is away with me. I wish I could have made it work though..

    Oh and he is a licker.. Especially if my hands or feet are wet… Loves to lick my legs when I come out of the shower.

  • Both of our B's love to play 'chase' with our 2 cats, but as odd as it may seem it is the cats who will initiate the 'game'. Most of the time the four of them get along very amiably. Mr Baroo has been with us for a year now and has exibited a very strong prey drive when outside, he has caught and killed a large buck rabbit and a very big opossom, both of which were inside our fence. I'm not really sure why, or how, he is able to differentiate between our cats and the wild game that intrude in his space, except for the fact that the cats never go out into the yard. Nap time is a comical time, 3 dogs, 2 B's and a Shiba Inu, and 2 very independant cats all curled up on our bed.

  • Bitty, (Itty Bitty Basenji) has been a kissy girl from the first day we had her which has been a bit of a problem as Karin does not like to be kissed on the face and I on the other hand love it when she does it to me. Mr Baroo, on the other hand will not kiss either of us but loves to cuddle and sleep with his head on either of our knees.

  • Just adopted a two-year-old black/white basenji named Zimir. We just brought him home last night. So far, so good with the cats. Two of them are totally keeping their distance. However, Mittens, our oldest gray has already established himself as alpha. One swipe to the nose and Zimir is keeping a respectful distance…at least for now. He has not been through basic obedience training, so that is my first objective. Wish me luck! He seems to be a very sweet dog.

  • Congrats Bhundertmark! How is he settling in at his new home? He will eventually figure out that cat claws mean business. Good luck to you with your new B.

  • Zimir is more comfortable with the house. However, I was wrong when I said basic obedience training is the first objective. The first objective is housebreaking! He's okay with peeing outside, but has twice come inside from a walk and then pooped! Most of the housebreaking articles are all about puppies, but I suppose some information is better than none. I guess it will just take time and patience!

  • Just make sure you take him outside a lot and wait until he has done everything, well if he has to. I clicker trained my boy to go outside when he was a puppy, he caught on real quick. But then he started to go and I would click and he would stop and come back for his treat. Then I waited until he was done before I clicked and then he would come running over for his cookie. They are very smart and will catch on quickly. I am surprised that he comes in from his walk and then poops. I wonder if he didn't get taught that at his other home…..

  • I'm certain part of the issue stems from the fact he previously lived in a kennel. He had the run of a fenced area and could defecate whenever he needed to. We will just need to walk him frequently and for longer periods of time. Perhaps the traffic noise has something to do with it as well. It still has him a little unnerved. His previous home was well out into the country. I grew up with dogs who were abandoned in the country where we lived. With time an patience, they all adjusted eventually.

  • We just adopted a 2yr 9 month old Basenji mix named Marley. He had two previous owners and is pretty obedient though his independence does shine through. We have a 9 year old black cat named Cassie who has been in a household with 2-3 other dogs her whole life and gotten along fine, but her front claws have been removed.

    Upon getting Marley we followed the basic introduction guidelines; having them in separate areas where they couldn't see each other, but still get used to the scents, then slowly introducing in controlled environment etc. The interaction has gotten better. Cassie won't run and won't hiss or swat right off the bat, but Marley still snaps at her. This isn't a playful nip, it is a open mouth intent to bite.

    We thought at first he just wanted to lick her and just nipped because he felt she was tense and would hiss and swat, but even with Cassie calm, Marley tries to bite. He is negatively reinforced for the bad behavior and positively reinforced when he is calm/doesn't lunge when he sees her, but when he is allowed to get close enough the biting tendency still has not stopped. It has been about a week. Marley, supposedly, used to play with a cat once in awhile, but since Cassie doesn't have her front claws, we are worried that Marley won't resist the urge to bite her and she has no defense. If Marley is loose in the house, Cassie tends to stay in the area of the house we have designated as hers and do not allow Marley to go, but we don't want her to feel trapped in there.

    Is there any hope for this pair to become friendly or at least be able to be comfortable around each other in the same environment? Any advice would help! Thanks!

  • We had 3 indoor cats when we adopted our first B, Bitty. The only adjustment required was the cats learned to move through the house up high enough that Bitty could not reach them, after a little over a month the cats came down Bitty ignored them. When Mr Baroo came to us 3 years later the cats sat him down and lectured him on proper dog/cat behavior. Then when Buddy joined us last summer the cats seemed to give up and now they all sleep in a puppy/kitty pile when it gets chilly. In fact our youngest kitty, SassyCat, has decidec that she is the only solid grey BasenjiCat in the world.

  • Jessica, I hate the be the nay sayer, but you have to decide if your cat's life is worth the risk. It does not sound good and I frankly would not hold out a lot of hope of it continuing. Not going to address the no front claws because even with claws, a determined dog will kill a cat. If you cannot totally separate them so you know the cat is safe, I personally would advise you to return the dog and wait til you can get a pup or one that is TRULY cat friendly.

  • I would agree with Debra that you can't trust that things will work out. It is early days, so anything is possible, but the cat's safety likely depends on whether you are prepared to keep them separate, certainly anytime you can't supervise. Claws won't prevent an attack. My friend's Jack Russell killed one of her barn cats, most likely because the cat spiked him and set him off. They had been in a state of "armed neutrality" up until then.

  • Ours were raise with three cats. Two who were hand fed (both rescues). They all "respect" each other.
    Our third cat is part Savannah according to the vet. The cat weighs over 25 lbs and is an accomplished hunter. The only issue those two had is when the BJ tried to take away a rat. The cat won that argument but did leave the tail for the dog. Those two wrestle. Other Bj owners have posted similar photos, the only difference is that with the Savannah mix, the dog and cat are closer in weight.

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