• Houston

    …we decided rather rapidly to enter the Reliant Park World Series Dog Show, here in town, so this weekend we gave it a go.
    I was suppose to show him, but my silly nerves took over and he of course felt every bit of it through his lead, so a friend (whom has been doing this since she was 9 yrs old) took over and handled him beautifully.

    He was the only one entered in his class, so of course no competition there, but for the experience, You couldn't ask for a better environment.

    Here he is waiting to go into the ring

    Stacy is adjusting his tail..;)

    Gaiting pretty good…as long as he didn't see me, so I had to hide behind a rather large human..lol.

    freestacking, not so good, but at least she has his attention, as supposed to him looking for me..

    Table time..not really a favorite, but he did great.

    Judge is looking him over, Pippin was a little leary, the judge had a big cast on his left arm…so Stacy had to show his bite, which was good for his first time, I think..

    Getting a pettin'..

    His third time in the ring and he is getting a little tired..

    He also took home Best of Breed Puppy…so two ribbons came home with us...

    and finally my favorite pic..actually taken the next day..sadly we match each other perfectly,...wrinkles in our forheads and around our eyes...hehe

    We spent three days down there even though we only showed one day, the more noice and smell experience the better. We had a ball, the training will continue and with time I hope my nerves will calm down..;)

  • Sounds like it went well! And keep in mind, the handler can always request from the judge that they show the bite. I have never found a judge that refused that request.

  • He has a beautiful head. We just came back from the Prince George show this weekend. My boy is sitting on 8 points!! Two more to go!

  • Houston

    I didn't know that, very good to know..

    It went very well..I am happy, wish we had some more pups in his group, but oh well.

  • What a lovely looking boy! I really enjoyed your pictures. His expression is priceless…..quite apprehensive at first, but he looks like he handled his first experience very well.

  • Congratulations to Pippin, i'm glad it went well. Lovely pictures.

  • Good looking boy…looks like he did great his first time out.

    I love the picture of the two of you together 🙂

  • What a handsome boy. 😃

  • He looks great Petra! Very nice pics too. He'll develop nicely.

  • So glad you both had a good time. Hope to see him in person some time soon.

  • Looks like a great weekend all-around…what a sweet face!

  • Congratulations to Pippin - he looked very handsome and looked very good for his first show - I'm sure you'll get over your nerves and then off you go!!!!

  • Congratulations to you both!! Pippin is truly handsome, I'm the same way with the nerves, but it gets better with time!!!

  • Houston

    Thanks all. overall we had so much fun..I just wish we had some more in his age group show up..if nothing else for me and my comparison..lol. We will hit the shows again, later this fall as there aren't to many for a month or two around here…

    Lisa, would love to meet up with y'all as well, are y'all coming down for some coursing later this year?

  • He's looking really good Petra 🙂 Congrats on his first wins!

  • We will be in Cat Springs and Waller for 3 weekend in Dec. Hoping the girls have had their season and are ready to run then too.

  • Houston

    Awesome..Lisa, will def. see you in Waller..we live 15 minutes away..when is it, the 3rd weekend of December?

    Thanks Janneke..:)

  • Yes, Waller will be the 17th and 18th at a nice little horse farm. Its a fully fenced small field, if you are intersted in letting Pippin have a practice run. Hopefully that will be our girls first ASFA trial, if they have their seasons in Oct like most do.

  • Houston

    Very cool..will def. be there, might even go to Cat Springs..

  • He's grown up– so quickly! What a handsome boy, with such an expressive face. Looks like he'll do well. Congrats!

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