An apartment would not be a problem if you give your B plenty of exercise and nose time. Also, the office would be great, but do realise that dogs need a lot of sleep, not only puppies. Our 2 sisters (7 and 6) sleep all night and most of the day. So your B would need a quiet space in the office to retreat and sleep. Agree with eeeefarm: puppy time is extra intensive, but so much fun. Try to be with your B as much as possible. Enjoy!
Picking up our New Basenji baby today !
How exciting…can't wait to hear more..
OH great, MORE baby basenji pics to drool over. LOL, congrats!
Is that one of Victoria's ones??
Congrats! Can't wait to see photos:)
Excellent. Congratulations. Like the others, I live on basenji photos, so please post.
Any pictures yet?
Any pictures yet?
Pictures were posted on a different thread
Sorry i've mixed things up a bit by starting a new thread.:rolleyes:
How exciting! Looking forward to hear more about him and see pics!
Who is his breeder?Mrs Victoria Gaskell
Where are you getting your pup from ?? I'm so out of the loop with the UK Bs.
Victoria Gaskell (Memetuka Basenjis), Lauren