• Hi Y'all,
    As you probably know already we are the proud parents of a new little boy B. Mr Baroo came to us from BRAT and it took only 3 days for him to worm his way into our hearts and into our pack (1 Jindo [16 years old], 1 Shiba Inu [13 years old] and Itty Bitty Basenji [5 years old]) We have beautiful 1/2 acre back yard with a 6 foot chain link fence for them all to play in and they all love it, including Mr Baroo. However during last weeks blizzard Mr B discovered a new trick. Karin put them all out for theur noon romp Mr Baroo made a dash across the deck and belly flopped into 14 inches of new fallen snow. He looked like a red porpoise bounding across the yard, appearing and disappearing. After about 4 minutes he began to realize that while the snow was fun, it was also very cold and her camd charging up onto tyhe deck and halted aouside the back door. He had learned that if he scratched at the door someone would soon come to let everybody in, where it was warm. So….. standing on his hind legs he began to scratch at the door, with both front feet, accidentally both feet came in contact with the outter door handle and 'SHAZAM' the door opened. Don't ever let anyone tell you that B's are not intelligent, or can't reason, it only took that one 'accidert' for our little boy to figure out that if he does it to one door he might be able to do it to all doors. No room is safe from him now, and he just prances arround grinning all the time.

  • LOL, trip to hardware store for latches.

  • Hysterical! What a smart little boy.

  • That's definitely one of those, funny from a distance sort of things!!!;)

  • I love it. We will soon have Jaycee for two years and not one time has she opened a door. Jayden will have been with us a year on the first of March and he has learned how to open the door and keeps opening the door. We had to put a childs latch on it let us forget it and Jayden got the door open. We also have 12 year old Shibu (Spice).

    Rita Jean

  • My Abbey worked a long time to perfect the door opening trick. One day her devious little B brain said If I open it I can close it too. So now sometimes when she's ahead of me when we return from a walk she whirls around and slams the door in my face!!

  • My sweet Cody has figured out how to open the door to the kitchen trash! We now have a rubber band spread across both door handles on the cabinet where we keep the trash. Damn Basenji! too smart for his own good!!!

  • @Lenora:

    My Abbey worked a long time to perfect the door opening trick. One day her devious little B brain said If I open it I can close it too. So now sometimes when she's ahead of me when we return from a walk she whirls around and slams the door in my face!!

    Wow, a basenji with attitude! Who would have thought it! That must look so funny. I bet Abbey gets a great deal of joy out of doing that.

  • @Lenora:

    My Abbey worked a long time to perfect the door opening trick. One day her devious little B brain said If I open it I can close it too. So now sometimes when she's ahead of me when we return from a walk she whirls around and slams the door in my face!!

    OMG, roflmao. That's awful. However, get a neighbor to video it… you could get money or at least a million hits on Youtube! 🙂

  • All too funny.
    Be careful pretty soon Mr. Baroo will teach IttyBitty.

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