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  • City Specific…

    First, the state:

    The first permanent European settlement was founded here by Spain.
    The city with the highest number of lightning strikes per capita is located in this state.
    This state was thought to contain the Fountain of Youth...but nobody has ever found it.

    Now the city:
    Installed the first ATM especially designed for rollerbladers.
    Is home to two wildly popular television crime series, but in different decades.
    (extra bragging rights for naming both TV shows);)

    We'll see y'all down the road...Cheers!:)

  • hmm, foutain of youth is in St Augustine. Lovely place that. But i have no idea about the crime shows - Miami came to mind, but I don't have cable, so I miss a lot (which is fine)

  • Florida is the state. Don Johnson I believe stared in one called Miami Vice. Is the other CSI Miami?

  • Miami, Florida. Miami Vice & CSI Miami!

    I am from the city of ightening strikes!

  • In the nineties I worked as a Quality Assurance Manager for a high end division of Harman Kardon. We had more home electronic equipment come back from Florida for repair with fried circuit boards because of lightening.

  • Florida well AJ headed for the ocean. What great fun that will be.

    Rita Jean

  • AJs Human - you're going to have to number these so we can tell which ones are new and which ones old (not that I mind reading old posts)

  • I'll start doing that. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

  • I'm due in Greater Miami tomorrow. I hope the rest of this storm blows over so we can get some sunshine in the Sunshine State.:)

  • Here's another suggestion … take of picture of AJ in each of these places (you know something distinctive in the background) then post so we can see/guess.

  • I've been trying to do that…it's not as easy to reach the distinctive landmarks with a semi as with other vehicles, including RV's. All the really cool places have signs up that say "No Trucks" and it really bums me out.

    I understand, though, because there are so many truck drivers who just throw their trash where ever they want instead of find a garbage can. And they pee on the ground rather than expend the extra energy to walk 75 feet into the bathroom. Trucker areas reek to an eye-watering level in hot areas because of this.

    But I do try to find distinctive landmarks when I can...the little lake in Minnesota, the rock formation in Colorado, coastal trees in North Carolina....
    I will try to find more landmarks I can access.

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  • Where's AJ #21

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    AJs HumanA
    Wags Podengo=Fats Domino. :) Thank you for playing….. :D
  • Where's AH #11

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    @Basenjimamma: …Oh, I want one of those generators too..they are just so darn expensive..We need them down here too, if we have a storm, our neighborhood of 25 or so homes are one of the last on the list to get our power sucks.. We do have a generator that is large enough to either run the fridge and a few lamps, OR our you have to pick your battles when the electricity goes.. Yeah, see my problem is I want the whole house automatically on when the power goes out - gone are the days when I find it an adventure! As it is, I've compromised and were only doing the first floor (including all kitchen, laundry, office, bedrooms, bath, basement - furnace, well/water) and the only thing on the 2nd floor will be the bathroom. During the ice storm last winter we lost power for 4 days. During the ice storm of 98 (?) we lost power for 17days - CNN was filming right in front of our house. :eek:
  • Where's AJ #10

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    AJs HumanA
    Well, we have made it to the area of Three Mile Island….. I think we've already been here too long. Don't let this happen to you!!! :D [image: attachment_p_95250_0_three-mile-island.jpg]
  • Where's AJ #9

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    AJs HumanA
    We were in Ohio when I wrote it. Ohio was admitted to the Union on March 1, 1803, but Congress apparently forgot to vote on the resolution. It was finally rectified on August 7, 1953, which technically makes Ohio the 47th state. However, it is counted as the 17th because it wasn't Ohioans who created the problem. Who says our Federal government isn't efficient? Zanesville, OH is the location of the Y Bridge, which starts and ends on the same side of the river. But that's where we were. The wolverine is the official state animal and nickname of the state. Fur trappers from Canada brought pelts across the state and folks further south assumed (there's that word again) the pelts were trapped in Michigan. The Detroit Red Wings assembled the Russian Five, who propelled the Hockey team to the Stanley Cup in 1997. Within a few days of the win, one of the team members was permanently benched in an auto accident, but the remaining four were instrumental in the 1998 and 2002 Stanley Cup wins for the Red Wings. We will be in Grand Rapids, MI tomorrow morning. Ms. Basenjimamma: The temperature here right now is 51F. :)
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    @AJs: It's been a very long time since I read The Wizard of Oz. Is Wichita where the story starts? I googled "Dorothy's House Wichita" and nothing came up except ways to get to Liberal. That's where the house is that is advertised all over Kansas as THE Dorothy's House. From what I understand (and I have been wrong before…it could happen again) the house in Liberal is where they did some of the filming. But I love the Witch-ita reference...:D I think Dorthy's house was just considered to be a farm house "out in the middle of nowhere".
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