Birthday Boy
Happy Birthday to Kwame…4, such a big boy. He is very handsome, but then again, have you ever seen a Basenji that isn't? To me they are by far one of the most striking breeds known to man..
Happy Birthday to Kwame…4, such a big boy. He is very handsome, but then again, have you ever seen a Basenji that isn't? To me they are by far one of the most striking breeds known to man..
Yeah he is nice but sadly he doesn't like the show ring so has taken early retirement:rolleyes: and leaving it to his kids to do;)
Thanks everyone he has his birthday bone and is busy munching away on that, of course Belle has one too:rolleyes: -
Happy Birthday Kwame! - I havent seen him but he looks braw - i love the serious look that basenji males tend to give - am hopefully getting one of my own next year to try to keep Tilly in line..
Happy Birthday Kwame! - I havent seen him but he looks braw - i love the serious look that basenji males tend to give - am hopefully getting one of my own next year to try to keep Tilly in line..
Yes that is part of his problem in the ring he takes it all too serious and starts to flap, he can't relax:rolleyes:
You will probably find that Tilly will keep the boy in line lol Poor Kwame has always been bottom of the heap in this house, though thankfully he is not bothered in the slightest. -
happy birthday! hansel's is tomorrow!
It is amazing how beautiful b's are. there are always people stopping us on our walks to ask about them. people stop me in a store to ask about them and they arent even with me. some even ask me to write down what they are so they can look them up or tell someone about them. :) it is pretty cool. -
Happy Birthday to Kwame.
Happy 5th birthday Hansel…looking good..
Happy (belated) birthday, handsome boy!
Happy Birthday Kwame!!