Yeah, that's the site I mentioned in my last post. I've read about it and I know I need to ask if they are tested. I'm not sure what proof I'm supposed to get that they don't have it, though.
You need to ask for the registered names of the parents. Then go to the OFA website, http://www.offa.org and do a search on the parents names. If they have been tested their results will be listed in the database.
As an example if you were to search for Sherwood's In The Nick of Time, you would get back this page as the results, http://www.offa.org/results.html?all=sherwood%27s+in+the&x=18&y=0
If you then click on his name you will see his page with all his health testing results summarized, http://www.offa.org/display.html?appnum=789239#animal
You can see that he has been tested for Hips, Patellas, Thyroid, Fanconi, and CERF and see the results. At minimum breeders should be testing Hips, Eyes, and Fanconi status. BCOA recommends Hips, Eyes, Thyroid, and Fanconi which if done and public will give the dog the CHIC designation that you see for Sherwood's In The Nick of Time.