Hanna the soon to be Podengo mother
Staring at about midnight - Hanna started whelping the first Portugues Podengo Grande litter in the US. At noon she surprised me with a 'bonus puppy' so the grand total (unless she downloads another one) is 11.
9 boys and 2 girls. All look hale and hearty. Mom did such a good job I didn't even know she was having them
go to the whelping box to see some first pictures.
Amazing..11 puppies. Congrats on such a great turn out. I am glad Hanna is doing well and of course that you are staying sane. As soon as you have'em, you know we want them…pictures of course.
Don't tease…we very well would love to make room for another furbaby..lol
oh my look at those little roly poly babies
It appears that I did not provide enought info to get to the pictures - I had forgotten that I changed the page to Puppy/avaliable adult - so you can see the pictures at:
Later on more will be posted on my home page of www.mijokrbasenjis.homestead.com/podengo.html
Middle of July they will have their photo shoot with our friend Laurie Erickson and for those of you in Texas - We will be at the Reliant shows in Houston.
11 - WOW!!
Are any wire-haired? I just love the wire's.
Well the Grandfather is wire - the unknown is Hanna's father who may have wire behind him but was not a wire himself - Wire is not dominant so the only way to get a wire is if both parents are wire - or both carry wire. (like the B tri-color coat)
Little early to say - the first sign could be some wiskering but likly not until they are a bit older.
We do have the middle size in wire in the US and that population is growing as well the last litter had only 3 - so hanna's numbers really were a bump up.
Congratulations on the new arrivals!!!:D