Hanna the soon to be Podengo mother
oh my look at those little roly poly babies
It appears that I did not provide enought info to get to the pictures - I had forgotten that I changed the page to Puppy/avaliable adult - so you can see the pictures at:
Later on more will be posted on my home page of www.mijokrbasenjis.homestead.com/podengo.html
Middle of July they will have their photo shoot with our friend Laurie Erickson and for those of you in Texas - We will be at the Reliant shows in Houston.
11 - WOW!!
Are any wire-haired? I just love the wire's.
Well the Grandfather is wire - the unknown is Hanna's father who may have wire behind him but was not a wire himself - Wire is not dominant so the only way to get a wire is if both parents are wire - or both carry wire. (like the B tri-color coat)
Little early to say - the first sign could be some wiskering but likly not until they are a bit older.
We do have the middle size in wire in the US and that population is growing as well the last litter had only 3 - so hanna's numbers really were a bump up.
Congratulations on the new arrivals!!!:D
I just uploaded some new pics of the Podengo babies on my basenji/podengo home page
I did a couple of comparisons of the 2 girls - heads and leg so you can see that one is - at this point - more refined than the other.
I just looked at the pics..and they are adorable. Seeing that one of the girls look a little bigger already, do you think she might be a grande? Either way, wow, lots of work for Hanna..and y'all.
I'll have to show that to my daughter-in-law who is feeling sleep deprived with a new baby. Things could be worse; she could have 10 more to nurse!!! The pups are beautiful.