I'm not sure if this is the right section for this topic.
I have recently attended another Basenji Breed seminar which our UK Breed Council put on for aspiring judges.
The seminars are accompanied by a booklet which has always over the years asserted that the primary gait of the Basenji is the double suspension gallop. I have been puzzled why they would assert this, as such a gallop could not be sustained all day.
I was enlightened by the speaker who asserted that the Basenji is a plains anmal, which is patently untrue. The Basenji was first found in the forests of Central Africa and were bred by the Pygmies. They were required to go on the hunt through the forests and so would need a gait which was the most effective for that terrain. Hence their primary gait is an endurance trot.
As we all know Basenjis are capable of the double suspension gallop but it could never be their primary gait.
I took it up with the speaker afterwards and he actually agreed with me but said it was in the books.
I would be grateful for the input of others especially those that have known the breed for a long time. Also the newer owners, please
Havent got a clue as im very much a newbie in the breed and wanting to learn all i can, so this should hopefully be an interesting topic!
Was this the seminar on sunday? I tried to get on that, but by the time my membership was approved and the paperwork came through it was all booked up! I've done several of them, Pugs (my other breed) and several gundog ones and i always find them fascinating.
I would be curious on what books he is referring to? The only book really is the breed standard and that is not a book.. so when talking about the breed, he really should be referring to the written accepted breed standard… everything else that is written would be out for debate....
What on earth is a double suspension gallop please
Thanks for the explanation, the pics are great. Your Dog in extension looks so gracefull.
I certainly wouldn't call double suspension gallop ANY dog's primary gait…dogs are trotting creatures. I wouldn't think that how a dog gallops should have any bearing on how they are judged trotting around a ring....
Maybe this is regarding other sighthounds?
Maya - yes it was that seminar, what a pity you didnt get a place. Dee was there.
Northern Basenji Soc. may be putting on another (this one was put on by the Breed Council) would you be interested?
Tanza - I don't know what books he was referring to! I have read many many Basenji books but can't recall one stating this. I didn't ask as I was so taken aback. As you say what is written is mainly opinion, as was that of the speakers'.
Renaultf1 - What classic photos of the d.s.g. Lovely. Is there anything more beautiful than Basenjis in action off the lead?
Tanza - I took copies of Veronica Tudor Williams' Description of the Basenji' printed from her last book and handed them round to the candidates there. I did see several reading them there and then, so hopefully something will be noted.
I've also penned something for the Breed Notes in 'Our Dogs', one of our weekly dog papers, I expect you know.
Those pictures of the B in the air were really nice. Not knowing the show terms, most people who've watched my dog's gait call it prancing - she sure looks elegant doing it, and some have compared it to a horse's trot….one woman who has a bichon and an airdale said some dogs are born for the ring because of their beautiful gait, and that Basenjis definitely belong to that group - I agree.