wrote on 26 Apr 2009, 19:28 last edited by
Does Topper seem bothered by it? Is he licking or rubbing his rear a lot? Dragging his butt?
I would be hesitant to put Prep H on there, since anything you put on a dog they might lick at and consume in the process. I'd call the vet if no one here has more information.
wrote on 26 Apr 2009, 22:08 last edited by
That was a question I had asked my Vet years ago… long and short is they don't have hemorrhoids like we do... but they can get irritations ... My Mickii did years ago, which lead to my questions to the vet about hemmorrhoids.. and I used Prep H.... it did help.... never did find out what happen or what it was... Oh and she didn't really care to lick it... but my Vet said even if she did, it would not bother her in that small amount..
wrote on 26 Apr 2009, 22:08 last edited by
It bothers him off and on, mostly scooting in the dirt at the park in the evening, but he does frequently lick it, it obviously is uncomfortable. I did (using a tissue) rub some hydrocortisone cream on that spot awhile ago, and he is sleeping now. I plan to call the vet in the morning, I noticed it Friday (you know everything always happens on Friday afternoon) and it is no worse…but no better. The fact that all his buddies were sniffing it worried me more than the way it looks, they are so attuned for things that aren't right!
Thanks for your input! -
wrote on 26 Apr 2009, 22:15 last edited by
Thanks Pat, I may go buy some this evening. He is good about not licking if I tell him to 'leave it'. The cort. cream seems to be helping, as he is sleeping peacefully.
At only 13 1/2, he is winding down, his asthma is getting worse, his heart is enlarged, on a bronchodilator and 2 diuretics to keep his lungs clear, occasional rimadyl or tramadol for his back…and now this! I just want him comfortable and as happy as I can arrange for him to be. He is my "Heart dog", and has the spirit of a pup and the body of an 18 year old!
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 00:10 last edited by
Thanks Pat, I may go buy some this evening. He is good about not licking if I tell him to 'leave it'. The cort. cream seems to be helping, as he is sleeping peacefully.
At only 13 1/2, he is winding down, his asthma is getting worse, his heart is enlarged, on a bronchodilator and 2 diuretics to keep his lungs clear, occasional rimadyl or tramadol for his back…and now this! I just want him comfortable and as happy as I can arrange for him to be. He is my "Heart dog", and has the spirit of a pup and the body of an 18 year old!
I surely understand "Heart Dog"… and the spirit of a pup and body of 18....
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 00:31 last edited by
Witch hazel is often used in OTC hemorrhoid treatments. But it is primarily acting as an astringent. You can just buy the witch hazel or in a hemorrhoid treatment product.
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 01:51 last edited by
Thanks for the tips!
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 15:41 last edited by
If you have tea tree oil, it is wonderfully healing, dogs don't like it so he won't lick it off, and it seems to have a soothing effect on whatever is irritated - worth a try. But do call the vet - I know you will, you take such great care of your B's.
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 15:45 last edited by
What did the vet say?
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 16:15 last edited by
Vet said if it isn't better, to come at 3pm on Thursday. OK to use a dab of Prep H, I just cleaned with a witch hazel wipe and dabbed a tiny bit of Prep H, he didn't mind.
It has looked this way since late last week, no better, no worse, so we will wait a few more days. Does not seem to affect bowel function, just irritating to the boy. It is really pronounced when he coughs, which is way too much lately.I use tea tree oil on his tail to keep him from chewing it, (we think his spine issues make his tail 'tingle' ) but I think it stings so I would only use it near the area, he won't put his nose anywhere near tea tree oil! Poor guy, bad enough to have lung/heart issues, now the "other end" has problems too!
wrote on 27 Apr 2009, 16:50 last edited by
Poor ole guy - he's such a lovable doggie - hope this clears up soon for him…
wrote on 30 Apr 2009, 22:10 last edited by
Just got home from the vet, Topper has a bit of a prolapsed rectum, that is the hemorrhoid-looking red area I saw, and he did say that Prep H may help a bit. He has had soft stools for a few weeks, occasional diarrhea, and I took a fresh stool specimen which they tested…and found hookworms! None of mine have ever had any kind of worms, but I guess a first time for everything. We started treatment (3 days worth) today and hopefully that will help with rear irritation. We are treating Ed & Nick too, just in case!
Hopefully getting rid of the hooks will lessen the irritation in the rear! I'm thinking he isn't going to care for prep H inserted!!!!
wrote on 30 Apr 2009, 23:14 last edited by
Awww…I'm sorry for your basenji's pain & ur heartache :(
wrote on 1 May 2009, 01:49 last edited by
Thanks, he is a tough old guy, I just want him to be comfortable.
wrote on 1 May 2009, 13:58 last edited by
Poor old Topper - he is a great dog, hope the medications work and he is feeling better soon. He's got good "parents," and that will mean the most to his recovery.
wrote on 5 May 2009, 00:56 last edited by
For Follow-up: We treated Topper daily for 3 days with panacur (sp?) powder, within 48 hours his rear looked better, less red all around the area and he stopped licking and biting at it. The prolapse is much improved, hardly noticeable, the large red area has returned to normal. I am so glad I grabbed that stool specimen, as the vet, like me, was assuming something wrong with the rectum, not looking for parasites, especially as we are on Heartguard Plus ( I do stretch it to avery 5-6 weeks in winter when there are no mosquitos, guess I won't be doing that any more!). And for a parasite that excretes very microscopic larve, it is amazing how irritated his rear was from it. He really seemed to feel bad, now 5 days later he is obviously over it, stools normal, rear normal, coat glossy, he is frisking around as much as he can…all that misery over nasty teeny worms!
wrote on 12 May 2009, 20:30 last edited by
Just browsing and came across these posts and I'm glad I did. I've noticed that for some days now my 'old' boy (going on 15) has been licking his rear end. There isn't a lump though but he is obviously distressed by it. Because of what I've been reading I've decided to get him to the vet. I hesitate always to take him at his age although he is very perky and 'young' feeling (like me his body lets him down some times!)and have been putting neem oil on it just before he goes for his walk so that he doesn't think to lick it off straight away. I always think that if these oils/ointments can be left on for 10 minutes they still have an effect. I worm him regularly which is essential on a stock farm but there could be some that have escaped the treatment.
Once again I have been helped by this forum, thank you everybody. -
wrote on 12 May 2009, 22:25 last edited by
I would suggest giving Panacur to all your dogs because obviously your older dog caught it from somewhere and it is possible your other dogs might have it also!
wrote on 13 May 2009, 09:38 last edited by
All the dogs were wormed two weeks ago but with Drontal. Is it safe to give Panacur so soon or ought I to wait a week or so? Thank you for your advice.
wrote on 14 May 2009, 01:52 last edited by
Hi Jennifer, if your suggestion to worm all dogs was to me, we did worm the younger 2 with a different drug, 1 dose last week and another in a month. I pretty much insisted on it. Topper has other health issues and a crappy immune system, so he gets stuff the others don't get, but I don't want any yukky hookworms anywhere around us.
And Patty, your boy could have anal gland issues that are causing the licking, not necessarily worms.