Gypsy update
I took Gypsy to the vet today for a check-up – you may recall she began having mobility difficulty this summer and I was afraid for a while that I was going to have to put her down.
Well.... today x-rays showed that her spine is in pretty good shape -- little to no sign of arthritis!, her blood work came back great -- slightly elevated glucose, but she had just eaten, liver numbers lower than the summer, etc. Just very healthy blood.What he's thinking she has is Canine Degenerative Myelopathy, which is not treatable, though vitamin supplements can help, but it is also not painful {except to watch} and she will slowly lose more and more control over her hind section until she is finally unable to walk. She is progressing more slowly than he would have expected -- not much change in the last six months -- and so I am hopeful that we have several good months left in the ol' gal.
The main thing is, she is in great health overall, NOT in pain, in good spirits, and doing okay!
Hopefully it will continue to be a very, very slow progression… that is good news. By the way, how old is Gypsy?
The main thing is, she is in great health overall, NOT in pain, in good spirits, and doing okay!
And that is the most important thing. I'm glad she is doing well.
Just a reminder…and an intro for those I haven't shown her off to yet :D
This is my lovely lady Gypsy. She looks a little different now -- the vet suggested I cut back all that beautiful hair on her back legs and under the tail because she doesn't squat very gracefully any more and was getting urine on her hair. I'd been trying to keep it clean, but he said they can get skin irritations akin to diaper rash, so.... off it came. I'm not real good with scissors though and now it looks ridiculous. :rolleyes:
Awwww… she is a pretty lady!