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Final Decision for Hayes Puppy!! *PICS*

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  • Have you started thinking about names yet or is it too early? :-)

  • We are definantly open for any Ideas. We kinda like: Ramses, Thor (but not so much) I like Maximus but Geoff doesnt. We want a "different" name that has a good Short Nickname to it…Like Maximus (Max for short). We were thinking about Greek God names and Pharaoh names....but we are open for any and ALL Ideas. The Litter theme will be either 70's rock band songs or something like that, but we dont Have to work with her on it because she doesnt really care...but it IS a BOY and a Red and White...(OH AND, one boy has an Anchor like shape collar marking so we are also open to Nautical names in case we get him!!) THANKS

  • We've been watching The Mummy movies here lately (brandon frazier), so of course what springs to mind for a name is Scorpian King - Rock for short. Or maybe Score for short. Score has some real potential (i believe in self-fullfilling names, and i do performance sports with my basenjis, so Score sounds really good)

  • Okay… this one's for laughs... NAUTY BOUY !!!;):D:D:D Nautical in nature for sure and also right in line with the basenji personality LOL!!!:D:D:D But, seriously... I will try to think of a good name that is befitting such a beautiful little basenji. I am so happy for you and your new little one!!!

  • Okay, here are some serious names I thought of that are related to the sea: Skipper, Storm, Thetis (A Greek sea nymph - not sure if male or female), Adrian, and Leomaris (Latin, meaning "lion of the sea") which could produce a nickname of LEO. :)

  • Here are a few pharaoh names: Kashta, Shabago, Xerxes, and Darius (I really like this one), and… Alexander the Great (which could be nicknamed ALEX).

  • I would suggest "Nemo" as a nautical theme, but that's already taken….:D Nemo's breeder named many of her dogs after mythological or literary figures. Zeus and Argus were cool Greek-inspired names she happened to use.

  • Congrats….

    They're soo cute...

    And a good desision to go to a breeder!! :D

  • For his registered name you can look at some of the songs at this site,

    If you really want to tempt fate you can call him Born to Run call name Boss.

    I am not one to let the registered name of the dog dictate the call name so you can have fun picking one and then the other.

  • So looking at the song titles and Greek Myth you could go with something like

    Dream On call name Hypnos
    Who'll Stop The Rain call name Chac, Varuna, Baal, Ajok (all gods of rain)

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    We are definantly open for any Ideas. We kinda like: Ramses, Thor (but not so much) I like Maximus but Geoff doesnt. We want a "different" name that has a good Short Nickname to it…Like Maximus (Max for short). We were thinking about Greek God names and Pharaoh names....but we are open for any and ALL Ideas. The Litter theme will be either 70's rock band songs or something like that, but we dont Have to work with her on it because she doesnt really care...but it IS a BOY and a Red and White...(OH AND, one boy has an Anchor like shape collar marking so we are also open to Nautical names in case we get him!!) THANKS

    It is kind of fun to stick with the litter theme that the breeder has picked out.. then for a call name you can use whatever you want…

  • Soooo many GREAT songs from the 70's. Take a look…

    Thanks for making me take a walk down memory lane.:D

    Van Morrisons Moondance is wonderful and Gods of the Moon are plentiful!!

  • How about "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and call him "Simon" after Simon and Garfunkel. This would cover the nautical theme and the 70's song…:rolleyes:

  • @snorky998:

    Van Morrisons Moondance is wonderful and Gods of the Moon are plentiful!!

    "Artemis" is a Greek moon God and could be a cool call name to go with this one!:D:D

  • @lvoss:

    If you really want to tempt fate you can call him Born to Run call name Boss.

    OMG that is really cute too!!! This is way too much fun… I can't wait to see what they think of our suggestions!:D:D:D:D

  • Just remember…. the name or call name... is usually a sign of things to come...gggg...

  • Ooohhhh Thank you all for your name ideas, We like them all… we were looking thru some of the websites you posted and Came up with King Leonitus of Sparta...Anyone have any ideas on how to tie that into a 70's song? We would call him Leo for short...Its one we are thinking about. We also like the thought of a Hunting theme name to go along with the 70's litter theme because we plan on training him to hunt...Keep it coming!! We love your ideas!

    Kira and Geoff:D

  • Oh yeah, GEOFF Likes Remington (Remi) for short…Buckshot (Buck) for short. "Manly" Names of course...says Geoff...LOL I dont care either way, Im GETTING MY B so Im okay with ANY name!!! hehehee

  • :cool:Here's another LEO idea… Remember Leo Sayer's song "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" from the 1970's? Maybe you could name him after the song and then call him "Leo." There's also his songs: "One Man Band," "Something Fine," and "Easy to Love." Although I don't really remember the last two... (They just sounded cool).

    Oh, yeah and then there's Leo Fender... he designed the Fender guitars in the '70's. I don't quite know how you could work that one in though???

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