Thank you Patty x
glad you like them Scot. Jovi is a fantastic showgirl, but she is coming to the end of her career now, as like me she has trouble getting going in the morning lol !!!!!
Today Crystal (DC Tanza's Almazi Madini,SC,RN,RA*,CD,CGG,FCH) received her 3rd Q score for Rally Advanced becoming a new RA in 3 trials….
I could not be more proud as a breeder to watch one of my kids and her "Mom" in the obedience ring....
*pending AKC confirmation
Woo Hoo good job!!!
Congrats to Crystal!!!!
Good job - I can tell by all the letters in her name that she has an accomplished mama.
Today Crystal (DC Tanza's Almazi Madini,SC,RA,RN*,CD,CGG,FCH) received her 3rd Q score for Rally Advanced becoming a new RN in 3 trials….
I could not be more proud as a breeder to watch one of my kids and her "Mom" in the obedience ring....
That's wonderful! But if she got her third Rally Advanced leg, the new title is the RA. RN is Rally novice title, which is the first level. RA is the second level. Either way, congrats! Rally is fun to do.
Congrats to Crystal (and to you too Pat!)
Opps… your right.. she had her RN... so it is RA.... see what happens when a non obedience person tries to post something...gggg.... thanks for catching that... I have fixed the post...
Yea, you can't stop a good bloodline, way to go!!!!
That is impressive…....great Job Pat! Congrats!:)
Opps… your right.. she had her RN... so it is RA.... see what happens when a non obedience person tries to post something...gggg.... thanks for catching that... I have fixed the post...
Ah, well, I'm sure they will let you compete in Rally. :p (And it really is fun folks! Novice is all on lead and you can talk to your dog.)
Ah, well, I'm sure they will let you compete in Rally. :p (And it really is fun folks! Novice is all on lead and you can talk to your dog.)
They would laugh me right out of the ring:eek: ….. And you are so right... it is a great place to interact with your dog... it is a fast paced, fun event .... and covers the basics of OB that all dogs should know.....
They would laugh me right out of the ring:eek: …..
Nah, and even if they did, it wouldn't be the first time that's happened to a basenji owner. I have sooo many Jet the Try-ing stories it isn't funny. (well, actually they are funny.)
I think that I will stick to the Conformation ring and lure field for now and let my co-owners go for the OB/Rally ring…..
Woo hoo to Crystal - way to go!