Yeah, she has a "spot" on her right side, so the red doesn't go much down the leg. Her mother is an elegant dog, and a champion, so I think Ruba is gonna be a real looker.
Yes, Bungwa will toss any of his toys into the air and catch them but definitely will not catch anything I throw. He has no competition because the others just look and say 'Boooring'!!!
Interesting about your best hunters being fetchers, Quercus. I wonder if there's a reason in it or whether it's a coincidence!?
It's just AJ and I. He's great. Only time I've had a problem with him waking me up was when he was sick with the runs for three days. He would whine to wake me up and go outside.
Been there, done that. Gotta love those 3 a.m. wake-up calls, especially when its freezing outside.:)
Thanks all!
She was perfect again last night. I put her to bed at half 10 and she slept through til half 7 this morning (i had a lazy one this morning lol), not a sound from her!! She had her first vaccination last night, the vets and nurses LOVED her!!