I have just adopted another B through BRAT, let me tell you what an experience. My current basenji wasn't thrilled about our new family member, she fought the whole thing every step of the way. I have never witnessed such a thing, I don't know if I have ever watched a dog introduced to another one, however I don't know if I ever want to see my dog introduced to another in her territory. They fought for 7 hours nonstop (I am sure that it could be worse). I waited for them to fall asleep, thinking that they would, (my mistake) It got to the point that I had to go to the store to get some supplies for our new addition so I decided to take the new dog with me. When I got home he and Weezie had one more spat and that was it. I haven't the smallest clue on why she decided that then after 7 hours of fighting she would accept him, but she did. I have had our new dog since monday and I caught them sleeping together today! What a week, every body was up in arms , including the foster, the coordinator, and anybody else that was involved. Here are some pictures of the new dynamic duo. They really suprised me! I would have never thought that we would be here after what we went through on monday!
It all happened so fast I couldn't believe it! Sorry for the foggy picture
This picture was taken on Wednesday
This picture was taken on Tuesday and I couldn't believe my eyes.
All is well now, we have had no outbursts all day. I am just stunned, all the planning that I have done with her couldn't have prepared me for that. Now that it is over, one would think that they were a match made in heaven! If anybody could offer any more advise keep it comming, I need all that I can get, I am now officially out numbered I will keep the pictures coming