• @tanza:

    Sorry, my mistake… for some reason I thought you were getting a girl puppy...
    But I agree that it would be really "chancey" to bring in a third male that is not neutered with to other males..

    Gezzz, I will get it right yet… 😕 ... To have a baby pup (not sure when you are planning or if you are) that is not neutered and bring in an intact adult bully... is just asking for problems...
    And what in the world would you do if you did take him, your brother was gone (deployed) and you could not keep him?... What would you do with him..?

  • @tanza:

    And what in the world would you do if you did take him, your brother was gone (deployed) and you could not keep him?… What would you do with him..?

    Yea that's another huge concern. I have given it so much though & I just really don't see how it is possible for us to take him. It's too risky.

  • Personally I have no experience with any of this but wanted to support you and your decsion. I think "going with your instincts" is the best way to go. You've weighed the options and certainly your heart is in the right place…I know it's a tough decision.
    I hope he can find a solution...((Hugs)) to you both.

  • I listened to a speaker on personal safety one time who made the astute observation that humans are the only animals that deliberately ignore their instincts and teach their children to ignore their instincts. We get so wrapped up in politeness and not wanting to hurt feelings that we ignore our instincts - the ones meant to save us from danger. We see groups of people hanging out on the street who strike us as being potentially dangerous but we don't cross the street because we don't want to appear rude. Our children don't want to hug wierd Uncle Joe because he gives them the creeps and we tell them to hug him anyway. I could be wrong but I sense that you are more than a little uncomfortable about this situation. And it doesn't seem like your BIL is making any concessions. Is his Pit Bull so special that his genes really need to be added to the pool?

    And here is a prophetic coincidence: This morning after my earlier posts, I visited with a friend who told me that she and her husband were going somewhere when they spotted a man walking a pretty dog that looked vaguely familiar to her. (She had only seen a photograph of our basenji). She stopped and introducted herself to the man and asked about the dog. He told her that his dog was a basenji (probably purebred) and had been recently rescued from the local humane society just hours before being euthanized. The dog, who bears numerous scars and is recovering from malnutrition, had been used as a bait dog to train pit bulls for fighting! When the pit bull owners got wind that there was going to be a raid, they took off and left the basenji to fend for itself.

    To hear this anecdote today just seemed so coincidental. A puppy is just no match to a pit bull. I'm not maligning the breed. I just don't think this sounds safe.

    Whatever you decide, we all hope everything turns out well for you and your pup.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    To hear this anecdote today just seemed so coincidental. A puppy is just no match to a pit bull. I'm not maligning the breed. I just don't think this sounds safe.

    Actually I don't think this thread has been anti-bully at all. As a realitive newbie here, I'm pleased to see that. I think people would have different advice if the dog were an 8 year old spayed female bully that loved other dogs and people and had a mellow/laidback attitude. But that's not the situation.

    (aside: Digital and I went to the invitational in 2006 with a friend and her female staffie bull. A lovely sweet dog that, as far as I saw, never even looked at anyone/dog sideways. I wouldn't hesistate to take that dog into my home.)

  • I just love Staffie bulls…. at a show many years ago, we were parked next to someone with about 6 of them.. they were all so sweet... many breeds get a bad rap... and it is brought on by humans.....

  • I discussed this situation with my niece – the one who owns the three pits and who is a HUGE advocate for the breed, working with rescue assoc. etc. -- and her immediate response w/out any hesitation was, "That is a disaster waiting to happen."

  • {AND she is wondering why the h*ll he feels the need to breed his dog when there are literally thousands in shelters across the country}

  • Do you guys know that Amy Winehouse song?? Something like–they want me to go to rehab, and I say NO NO NO.....well--here's another version--you want me to take your pitt bull?? I say NO NO NO. 🙂 I can only speak for myself--I would never be able to take in anyone's unneutered pitt bull--or probably any pitt bull. And have met some sweet pitt bulls--but I would just be too afraid--especially if he remains unneutered--and especially with a small young B--and in an apartment--the quarters are too close for everyone--but this is just my opinion.

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Yea that's another huge concern. I have given it so much though & I just really don't see how it is possible for us to take him. It's too risky.

    I think that you are making a responsible decision… and while it is hard to say No... it is IMO the right thing to do...

  • Yea I think I'm making the best decision for my family's sake. I would love to give Dallas a canine friend to play with but…it's just too risky since I don't know the dog well enough to know what will happen.

  • ok folks - here is another possibility - get on this wonderful thing called the internet - there are a lot of groups offereing to help in many ways service people serving overseas - some of them are willing to foster dogs.

    Take a few min and look up programs in Florida and see what you can find out. You might be suprised at what help is there.

  • @dmcarty:

    ok folks - here is another possibility - get on this wonderful thing called the internet - there are a lot of groups offereing to help in many ways service people serving overseas - some of them are willing to foster dogs.

    Take a few min and look up programs in Florida and see what you can find out. You might be suprised at what help is there.

    I think the dog is in California where her brother is stationed?… and Ninabean26 is in Fla......

  • @dmcarty:

    ok folks - here is another possibility - get on this wonderful thing called the internet - there are a lot of groups offereing to help in many ways service people serving overseas - some of them are willing to foster dogs.

    Take a few min and look up programs in Florida and see what you can find out. You might be suprised at what help is there.

    I'm still thinking he's going to have to get that dog nuetered before anyone will take him on…...

  • Yes I'm in Florida & he is stationed in California. He looked into a few programs after I mentioned them to him but upon checking he was told that they would not take pittbulls. At least the one he checked although I'm hoping we can find one that will take pitts. CA is kind of anti-pittbull though…unfortunate for him 😞

  • @Ninabeana26:

    Yes I'm in Florida & he is stationed in California. He looked into a few programs after I mentioned them to him but upon checking he was told that they would not take pittbulls. At least the one he checked although I'm hoping we can find one that will take pitts. CA is kind of anti-pittbull though…unfortunate for him 😞

    I think that Jazzysmom said it best, will most likely be no chance unless he is neutered…. and I fully agree.... I don't really think that CA is anti-pit... some cities/counties, but no more then other places...

  • Thanks for all the info everyone! I've talked to him about some of his options & I have forwarded all of the websites. Hopefully someone can take Razr & he won't have to give him up. Although it does look like he may have to neuter whether he likes it or not…

  • Nina,

    I know what a tough decision that was for you to make, do not ever doubt yourself you are doing the right thing.

    I know it was hard to tell your brother-in-law no, but you are helping him find other options which he needs to look into and hopefully one of those will work out.

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