Menses and Spaying
I have Piggy scheduled to be spayed on the 16th but I noticed that she started her proestrus cycle this morning (bleeding, etc). How long does this typically last in your basenjis? I could have sworn that in my last un-spayed female it was more like a month or month and a half than two weeks. The vet said that all of the swelling and other signs must be over by the spay date and scheduled it for the 16th, should I reschedule? Thanks for all the help guys we really appreciate it! :)
Jordan and Pigg
can you guys post in here the date your girls start? I have been watching Savanah for signs of starting, but nothing yet. I am trying to get her spayed before her time.
They are all different… Mine always started mid September through October.. I know some that are in right now.... some as late as Nov/Dec
So, if you want to have her spayed, do it now...