AWW man, this one night when my husband was on duty and i was alone. i was reading a book and Jack was DEAD asleep at the end of the bed (I believe he was snoring) and it was rather quiet and late at night. All the sudden, Jack sits STRAIGHT up raises the hair on his back, and Stares at the left corner of our room and sā¦ follows Something to the right corner of our room, then lays back down and goes to SLEEP!!! I ABOUT had a heart attack!!!:eek: i was SOOO freaked out that i woke him back up, turned on the TV and left the lights on that night (and forced Jack to sleep next to me) I'm over it now, that was MONTHS ago. and hasn't happened again since, BUT HONESTLY, it was the SCARIEST thing Ive ever had to go thru!!!! I don't think i believe in ghosts, but who knows what it was!!