This week I have been thinking I have a few loose screws missing as well, Sahara has been into everything this week. She has tried to chew on everything, even though I give her rawhide everyday. Do they cut teeth at 12 months, she will be 1 yr. on the 31st. I have a living room chair that has a wood back that I discovered at Christmas had been chewed on terribly, then this week she was found chewing on the other wooden chair, (I put the chewed one in a room with the door closed) what does she do but attack the unchewed one. Today I laid my jacket down and turn around and she has gone into my pocket and pulled my cell phone out and is chewing on the clip, well, she ruined that. Oh, yea this is the worst yet, I lost a tooth due to a bad bite that I have, (should have had jaw surgery when I was young), not noticeable to anyone, but to the point, haha!!!! Well, I just invested into a dental plate, I took it out and laid it on a table, Sahara and I fell asleep in the recliner, she woke up and grabbed the plate, (I didn't know she had it until after I found it on the carpet). She chewed the tooth half off, now I have to take it back to the dentist, probably will cost me about $100 to replace. Plus the fact that she had it in her mouth, I love my dog to death, but I don't kiss her in the mouth. This year she also scratched the lens of my new glasses and that cost me $100 to replace, so YEA!!!! I KNOW I HAVE A FEW LOOSE SCREWS, B/C I STILL LOVE MY BASENJI!!!!!!