@basenjinyla said in How do I limit puppy biting???:
I’ve tried
Have you tried saying, "no", firmly (not yelling). Then gently guide the pups chin away from your body. If possible, offer a fun toy or chew to the pup and tell them, "okay". Theoretically, the pup will connect: biting human, bad; biting toy, good. It does work, the toy might not always be nearby, but dogs do seem to understand a firm, gentle, approach.
I agree with @Zande on the bones. In the U.S., you should be able to get "neck bones" (bone scraps from bone in chuck roasts, or scraps from Tbones) at your local grocer. Mine charges ~ $1#. I freeze them, storing them in zippered bags, and give them to my girl frozen (with the meat and fats still attached).
@tanza's approach works well also. I have yelped an "ouch" a time or two and doodle stops dead in her tracks.
The frozen washcloth will help when your dog starts teething. Avoid picking her up, comforting her, or holding her. These responses will teach her that biting is a good way to get a little love.