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Basenji Talk
  • WITH JACK!!! He's my baby, as I'm sure many of you can tell, but recently, he has REALLY been getting on my nerves, I feel bad, but he is CONSTANTLY sniffing and smelling me and following me EVERYWHERE…more than normal for SURE. He smells EVERYTHING i touch but most of all my pants (at my knees) and he will even jump up on the bed and stick his nose RIGHT into my face, my hair….even when i push him away he just takes the push by pushing back like, "I don't care, go ahead and push, I'm STILL smelling here" ITS SOOOOO WEIRD, and let me tell you i cant take much more…Today, i just made him leave the room and closed the door for some ME time without Jack in my FACE!! Of course he cried and cried, but what can i do...nothihing! WHAT is his DEAL?? :(

  • I think Jack loves you. :)

    Did you try being gentle about saying no? Corky responds to a sweet "No-No", gentle push and then a "Good Boy". I'm assuming there's nothing different like the smell of another animal on you. I would be consistant and patient in teaching him not to do that.

  • Dash does that too. I find it annoying but I just push him away and finds something else to do. Your pregnant right? Maybe he is noticing some different smell on you?

  • Follow and sniff him back. Smother him with affection. Mine run away. (-:

  • Maybe Jack thinks you are playing with him - the more you push the harder he pushes back. I agree to distract him with something else, like a peanut butter stuffed kong. Maybe he wants water, a snack, outside to potty, a snuggle, or just wants to play. If I don't want to be bothered to play, I get him a chewy (Merricks twisted rawhide).

    Duke usually let's me know in an annoying way when he wants or needs something. Good practice for when your baby arrives, except they cry until you've figured out what they need. Sometimes they just cry for nothing - now that's annoying :( . . . That's when we'd go for a walk in stroller. That always put him to sleep. :)

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    WITH JACK!!! He's my baby, as I'm sure many of you can tell, but recently, he has REALLY been getting on my nerves, I feel bad, but he is CONSTANTLY sniffing and smelling me and following me EVERYWHERE…more than normal for SURE. He smells EVERYTHING i touch but most of all my pants (at my knees) and he will even jump up on the bed and stick his nose RIGHT into my face, my hair….even when i push him away he just takes the push by pushing back like, "I don't care, go ahead and push, I'm STILL smelling here" ITS SOOOOO WEIRD, and let me tell you i cant take much more…Today, i just made him leave the room and closed the door for some ME time without Jack in my FACE!! Of course he cried and cried, but what can i do...nothihing! WHAT is his DEAL?? :(

    Do I remember correctly that you are going to have a baby soon? Or was I dreaming that…?... If I was dreaming that... sorry... However if you are, it could be that you are giving off an body odor that he is reacting to.... Or I guess I should also ask, is this a new behavior???

  • My Cody does the same thing especially after I have been gone at work. I do the same thing back at him and he is like "what is your problem?" It is only ok if he does it. LOL
    Last night he went out to potty and the neighbor just got a new dog and he was nutts.. He had relievd himself out side but after the puppy came over to him he was just a nut case. When he came in the house he was running aroung acting like a maniac and then took a nice dump in the middle of my bed. NOT sure what that was about by I let him know I was not pleased witht this behavior and put him in his crate. By the way Cody is only 8 mo.
    So I figure sniffing is not so bad.. I think everyone is right and he is just smelling the new farmones you are giving off and it has him interested, just let him know in a gentle but yet firm manner NO NO NO.

  • Champ does this to me all the time if I'm on the bed cause he wants to come up too but I do think it has to do with you being pregnant. Something about the "pregnancy smell" is drawing him plus remember soon he won't be ur baby baby anymore. Things are going to change and maybe he senses that. It's been showen that dogs smell things and pick up on scents that humans don't so he probably knows this is the last few months he has u to himself.

  • I was thinking the same thing Pat-pregnant different smell. How far along are you?

  • @luzmery928:

    Champ does this to me all the time if I'm on the bed cause he wants to come up too but I do think it has to do with you being pregnant. Something about the "pregnancy smell" is drawing him plus remember soon he won't be ur baby baby anymore. Things are going to change and maybe he senses that. It's been showen that dogs smell things and pick up on scents that humans don't so he probably knows this is the last few months he has u to himself.

    Well, not sure that I agree with "he knows he will not be the only one"… but if indeed your are pregnant (again I think that is what I remember...)... there is a different body odor that they will key into.... another question... has his desire to "smell" you gotten worse the longer you have been pregnant?...

  • Is your husband gone right now? My guys tend to be a little more clingy when my DH is gone.

  • I have found dogs to be very intuitive - and he knows that things are changing. When you are around him - think happy and positive thoughts - and talk to him about what fun you and him and baby will have together etc.

    He knows that you are worried and he is now worried too.

  • WELL…As of yesterday (Friday) I am 32 weeks, Baby Aiden is Due September 14th. I actually think it makes sense that i might be smelling different, because I'm pregnant, but Ive been pregnant for a while now, and this behavior started a week or so ago. DH is home, but working all the time (this isn't new) I feel like i do give him TONS of attention, and we go to the dog park often (Jack is VERY protective of me against male non neutered dogs, ESP. when they come within a 40ft radius of me, but this isn't new either) I am doing as well as i can with correcting him, but to be honest, sometimes hes getting RIGHT under my feet (and Lord knows i cant see him down there over my belly) and it scares me because he'll be sniffing away and he trips me ALL the time, so i Definitely give an ANGRY "NO!!!!!" but it doesn't faze him whether I'm nice about it or not (as some of you know he listens more when my DH corrects him, he doesn't care when women do) but this isn't ALL the time…Im just worried that one day ill be at the top of the stairs and he'll be at my feet and well...i can only imagine...I know he doesn't think he's being bad, but i wish he'd give it a rest already!He'll even walk next to me at my pace and not even look where he's going, just have his nose pressed RIGHT up against my leg…funny, but STILL Frustrating!!

  • ohh he loves u alot

  • Can't you get away for a bit, even small trips with some friends or family, like an afternoon here or there REGULARLY?

    Also do you only have one dog?

    Our dog drove me crazy wanting attention, till we got our second dog. They tend to keep each other busy and gives the first dog something else to focus on other than you! you! you! Of coarse with a baby on the way now is not the time for a puppy.

    As far them tripping you, I know mine is always under my feet.

    Also our tri is also very protective of my wife on walks. Maybe your husband or someone else can join you?

    If not, maybe keep your walks shorter or have them at times when there are less distractions. I find at times it's doggy walk rush hour sometimes around here.

  • My quess is that Jack is somewhat unsure of what's going on. He senses somethings up, yet doesn't know what. I think he's looking for answers and reassurance at the same time. The spotlight that use to be his, is now being shared. Time & love are probably the reassurances he needs right now.
    Just my .02's worth…:)

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    WELL…As of yesterday (Friday) I am 32 weeks, Baby Aiden is Due September 14th. I actually think it makes sense that i might be smelling different, because I'm pregnant, but Ive been pregnant for a while now, and this behavior started a week or so ago. DH is home, but working all the time (this isn't new) I feel like i do give him TONS of attention, and we go to the dog park often (Jack is VERY protective of me against male non neutered dogs, ESP. when they come within a 40ft radius of me, but this isn't new either) I am doing as well as i can with correcting him, but to be honest, sometimes hes getting RIGHT under my feet (and Lord knows i cant see him down there over my belly) and it scares me because he'll be sniffing away and he trips me ALL the time, so i Definitely give an ANGRY "NO!!!!!" but it doesn't faze him whether I'm nice about it or not (as some of you know he listens more when my DH corrects him, he doesn't care when women do) but this isn't ALL the time…Im just worried that one day ill be at the top of the stairs and he'll be at my feet and well...i can only imagine...I know he doesn't think he's being bad, but i wish he'd give it a rest already!He'll even walk next to me at my pace and not even look where he's going, just have his nose pressed RIGHT up against my leg…funny, but STILL Frustrating!!

    First I would like to say Congratulations!!!! I am also pregnant and our Charlie is due October 24.

    NOW I get what you're saying. Completely!!! Corky is at my feet constantly lately and I'm getting a little sick of him stepping on my bare feet. Although I absolutely LOVE it when I stop and his little nose slamb into my leg. hehe…Makes me giggle. :) Anway, I have to admit that at about the fifth or sixth time he steps on my feet I stomp my feet and tell him to leave me alone. Does that work? Of course not!!! So, I just sit for a minute, give him some love, let him outside or ask my husband to find him something else for him to do.

    I also hear what you're saying about the stairs. VERY scarry!!! I am training myself at this point to find him and send him down the stair ahead of me. If Jack won't do this on command, I suggest keeping treats at the top to throw down for him to go get. As far as up, Corky thinks that's a race so I don't have to worry about that at all.

    As far as the smelling, I have no suggestions. BUT, I will let you know if Corky does the same thing to me when I'm about 32 weeks. :)

  • Thanks and CONGRATS to you too, EVERYONE here is pregnant, all my friends (all from my husbands submarine) LOL. I guess its something on the boat, lol.

  • are you smelly? LOL, just kidding…..

    Do not use Aveeno lotion! Can you imagine? Licking, smelling and wanting your attention all of the time?

    Congrats on the pregnancy!

    A second basenji is an excellent way to keep him occupied. It isnt a lot more work with 2!

    Good luck! Caesar used to follow me and bite me in the butt for attention! That is when I added a second basenji to our family and it has been great ever since!

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    Thanks and CONGRATS to you too, EVERYONE here is pregnant, all my friends (all from my husbands submarine) LOL. I guess its something on the boat, lol.


    That is so funny because in the building I work in there will be 9 babies born this year (between the mothers and the fathers) and there are only about 50 people. That's pretty darn close to 20% of the population here. We think it's the water. ;)

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