GINGER!! Help in identifying possible mixed Basenji breed?
These are some photos of my sweet girl Ginger. Sadly, we lost Ginger earlier this month at 12 years old to the terrible terrible condition known as Evan's Syndrome. So heartbreaking. I adopted her from a shelter at 5 months old and was always told she was a Basenji mix. I had never heard of Basenjis before I met Ginger. She never weighed more than 30lbs and exhibited many of the trademark Basenji characteristics that I've read about online. She didn't bark until she was 2 years old and only after we had kenneled her for a week with other dogs. It was the cutest little bark, too. We miss her terribly and would like to get another Basenji mix. I wish now we had paid for genetic testing. She was seriously the best dog ever. SO SMART, so protective of me and our kiddos, energetic and playful, and always at me heels :). My husband thinks possibly Basenji and some sort of Shepherd? Anyway, thanks for taking a look at our sweet girl!

Her colouring is ver duck tolling retriever or vizla with the light eyes and lighter nose. I would not say shepherd she is too smooth and so I would say she is mixed with a medium sized dog as well. Genetics are funny though, I once saw a dog in the dog park that looked like a pit bull. She told me her dog was genetically 89% shitzu. Go figure!
@sass7656 , thanks for that imput! I hadn't ever noticed that those breeds had the light nose and eyes. I figured whatever Ginger was mixed with probably had those traits. Ginger's ears were so perky and she was so intense- in a good way :).
replied to Bumblebpete on last edited by
@bumblebpete , What a cutie!!