How do I close my account?
wrote on 6 Feb 2018, 23:19 last edited by senjisilly 2 Jun 2018, 23:21
I cannot find a way to unsubscribe but you can turn off the email notifications using the link on the bottom of the e-mail you recently received.
"This digest was sent to you due to your subscription settings. Click here to alter those settings."
On the page that opens go to "Email", click on whatever you see below "Subscribe to Digest" and change the setting to "Off".
Remember to click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.
wrote on 7 Feb 2018, 22:19 last edited by
Thanks, Lynn. I guess I'll have to resort to that. Looks like the moderator is AWOL.
wrote on 12 Feb 2018, 22:37 last edited by
I keep getting these emails too!!! I don't have a basenji and don't know how I got on this list! This is absurd! Please can someone help us unsubscribe from this?
I think I have found a way.!? Go to setting. Scroll right down and Un tick your e mail and anything else. I only hope it works as it's driving me nuts. Lol
wrote on 22 Feb 2018, 19:01 last edited by
This is like hotel can never leave. I looked, no option that I can see either. If the only issue is the emails, you can stop those. To unsub write the admin directly. If enough write, maybe they'll post it.
wrote on 25 Feb 2018, 22:37 last edited by
@senjisilly said in How do I close my account?:
I just wish to change the name on my account. My previous Basenji has passed away and I wish to use my new Basenjis name. How?
replied to serenjane on 26 Feb 2018, 04:50 last edited by
@serenjane said in How do I close my account?:
@senjisilly said in How do I close my account?:
I just wish to change the name on my account. My previous Basenji has passed away and I wish to use my new Basenjis name. How?
It's fairly easy. Click on your icon, click on : Edit profile then change any line you want.
wrote on 18 Apr 2018, 17:10 last edited by
I no longer have a Basenji either an would like to close my account too. Can't find a way to do it, thankfully I found these posts - thought I was going crazy! Can a moderator please let us all know how we can cancel our accounts?!
Thanks -
replied to nicelaos on 20 Apr 2018, 02:03 last edited by
@nicelaos said in How do I close my account?:
I no longer have a Basenji either an would like to close my account too. Can't find a way to do it, thankfully I found these posts - thought I was going crazy! Can a moderator please let us all know how we can cancel our accounts?!
ThanksI hope an official answers.
I have looked, best I can figure out is you can't unless they remove you. However, you can click on your icon. and then click on edit, remove all your info changing it to silly stuff, made up email.
wrote on 6 Dec 2018, 22:15 last edited by
Has anyone figured out how to have their accounts closed yet?
wrote on 7 Dec 2018, 01:02 last edited by
@Daisysmom @Mr-Ralph @bowierimmer @clerner @lux @KellyWiles @erica-ruth @nicelaos @dorlory
I don't think you can delete your account because the posts and comments are all intertwined. But you can do two things to simulate a delete. Part one sets your screen persona on "invisible", no one will think you are available to chat. Part two eliminates the automated list from sending you anything behind the scenes. For all intents and purposes you will be gone, but any past questions will remain to retain the integrity of the site structure. Fair enough?Part 1
- Click on your circle icon in the upper right corner of the webpage,
- Scroll down the dropdown navigation links,
- Click on invisible (now noone can "see" you).
Part 2
- Click on your circle icon in the upper right corner of the webpage (again),
- Scroll down the dropdown navigation links,
- Click on "settings"
- Under Email , click on the frequency line where it says "subscribe to digest" and select "Off"
- Under Notifications & Sounds, adjust each section to "None", or "Disabled" as appropriate.