Is my new rescue a basenji mix?
wrote on 13 Feb 2014, 02:40 last edited by
either way I love him to pieces but I figured if anyone wanted to confirm my belief or add to what they think he could be a mix of he is 25lbs 1 year old with BIG (in a loveable way) ears very quiet I have never heard him bark ive heard growl and whimpers occasionally he does not have a curly tail. clink the link to see more photos! thanks for any insight.
wrote on 13 Feb 2014, 23:21 last edited by
To be honest, he looks more basenji to me than the 'standard' basenjis do. He looks very similar to the African basenji imports that were brought in. Gorgeous and primitive looking. So, in short, it's hard to know for sure….but I definitely see the basenji mix. But, could be a Heinz 57 too.
wrote on 14 Feb 2014, 01:40 last edited by
she looks very basenji-ish to me.
wrote on 14 Feb 2014, 02:43 last edited by
Definitely looks B-like to me…love the big grin showing side wrinkles...smashing dog!
wrote on 14 Feb 2014, 02:52 last edited by
Hehe thank you everyone for the input just don't know what his mix could be the shelter said some sort of terrier basenji. He was dropped off at animal control and was there with his time almost up. My boyfriend and I saw this boy we took him away from all the loud noise and out of the shelter and he is so far the best dog for us. I couldn't have dreamed up a better dog. Their loss my gain I guess
wrote on 16 Feb 2014, 02:46 last edited by
Looks to have Basenji in him to me, lucky him for being saved by you. Our boy is always up on his hind legs to get a closer look at things.
Jolanda and Kaiser
wrote on 16 Feb 2014, 05:28 last edited by
@stash we like to think that we were lucky to find him so far so good obviously some training things we are going through with him but nothing really truly awful or that bad in general and he is so gosh darn smart.
wrote on 1 Apr 2014, 23:37 last edited by
very nice doggie! congrats for him
as he is not barking i think is pretty sure he has basenji on him
looks like he will have a ton of fun :-)
wrote on 5 Apr 2014, 20:10 last edited by
To be totally honest, He seems to have more Basenji traits than anything else. Large expressive ears is one of them, Most B mixes will have white paws ( feet, legs or toes) most will have some white on their chest. While B's don't bark, naturally, they can learn to do so. 2 of our 3 will give a single bark but then usually end with the normal Basenji yodel. Mr Baroo and Bitty learned to bark playing fence tag with our neighbor's beagles
wrote on 5 Apr 2014, 23:36 last edited by
Single or 2 bark are pretty normal for Basenjis.. but they are more like a boof then a real bark… remember they are NOT mute.. and they DO bark.. just not like a regular dog.. with a string of barks...
wrote on 7 Apr 2014, 14:34 last edited by
I agree on the barking: both Lela and Binti bark with single 'boofs', especially when I am slow with the food…
wrote on 8 Apr 2014, 01:41 last edited by
Boof is a good word for their bark as I find it hard to describe to people they do have a bark but don't really bother to use it, Kaiser is 21 months old and has boofed 3 or 4 times always the single boof and boy do we jump out of our skins going "what was that?".
Jolanda and Kaiser
Basenji-ish! definitely! you love him, he is smart-yep! consider yourself very lucky, I know he must! what a great life!!!!! Good luck! So, in Fl? Ocala area? horses???
wrote on 13 Apr 2014, 06:33 last edited by
You are in Florida… a sad hotbed of byb/puppymill country. Yep agree with the rest, looks basenji to me too. You might contact Pam Hamilton because she'll know if you are in the hoarder area. I'll ask her to check in here.