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Car Accident

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  • Yesterday I witnessed a car accident involving a long hair dauchaun. It was so scary we were driving behind this car on a major 4 lane highway. The dog jumped into the driver's lap and then jumped out the driver's window. The driver then grabed the dog's leash and the dog was literally hanging from his leash outside the car going 60 mph. The driver then lost control of the car went into the guardrail spun around back across all lanes of traffic and then hit the concrete center median. Luckily all of our cars where able to stop and not get hit by this car. The poor dog had finally broken from his leash and was running dazed across the highway. One smart driver that stopped got out and called the dog and he jumped in his car. The rest of us were trying to alert the traffic behind us to stop. One of the vehicles that avoided being hit by the car was an ambulance so medical treatment for the passengers of the car was immediate. I only hope that the dog was given medical treatment as well. Please everyone secure your pets in the car.

  • OMG!!! That is just horrible. I have to admit that today, for the first time ever, Zest rode home in my lap (hubby drove) from the hospital after her overnight stay. But 98% of the time my basenjis are in crates.

  • How horrible! Oh yes, best to crate animals inside a moving vehicle! I hope everyone, including the dog, will be safe and healing now.

  • Wow. That would just be terrible to see and so much worse to experience. :( Poor thing.

  • Far too often we see people driving a vehicle with a dog in their laps!

    We are long-time RVers (we were fulltime RVers for 12 years until last year), and you'd be surprised (or maybe not) at how many people who drive motorhomes let their pets run around free inside while they're driving down the road! Of course, these are the same people who think nothing of the passenger getting up and walking around in a moving vehicle to go the bathroom, fix lunch, etc.

    Hopefully, everyone, including the dog, made it through the accident without serious injury.

  • Glad this wasn't worse..It must have been awful for everyone.

  • Another good reason NOT to leave your pets loose in the car, no different then your children

  • OMG This is happing too often and still there are too much people havind their dogs run free at the car!

  • Just awful! But I have to admit, Tillo is loose in the car as well.

  • I'm always careful about transporting Kananga. I can't crate him in the car, but I do secure his leash so that he does not have full roam. Helps keep him in his seat.

    Although I always fear an accident and the trauma it could cause him with all the force going to his collar (with the leash being attached to the seat, which will cause him to be choked if his body were to shift abruptly in an accident).

    I suppose with a crate they are subject to danger as well. No perfect solution, but you can always do your best to secure them so they don't cause a distraction.

    I can't imagine watching something like that unfold. :(

  • @Janneke:

    Just awful! But I have to admit, Tillo is loose in the car as well.

    i'm also guilty of having suki loose in the car. i don't drive with my windows down, so at least this particular tragedy probably won't happen.

    i haven't tried crating, but it just makes me nervous - if i were to get rear-ended, she'd be squooshed. i guess i could try the crate in the back seat sometime. not sure if she'd better or worse. she's not very fond of the car - she doesn't whine or freak out, but you can tell she's not very comfortable. she seems to be on high alert.

  • @tlish:

    i'm also guilty of having suki loose in the car. i don't drive with my windows down, so at least this particular tragedy probably won't happen.

    i haven't tried crating, but it just makes me nervous - if i were to get rear-ended, she'd be squooshed. i guess i could try the crate in the back seat sometime. not sure if she'd better or worse. she's not very fond of the car - she doesn't whine or freak out, but you can tell she's not very comfortable. she seems to be on high alert.

    We only open the windows a tiny bit, never enough for Tillo to even stick his head/muzzle out. And I don't like crates in the car either. I prefer a car harnass. Tillo actually has a harnass for the car.. I'm just too lazy to put it on him. Tillo likes to switch places from the sun.. out of the sun.. just how hot he gets.. and that's not possible if tied to one place. But that's probably not a very good reason to leave him loose.. ;)


3 May 2011, 20:39

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