How Are They Growing?
wrote on 7 May 2010, 17:08 last edited by
Very nice looking boy! Hope to see him on Saturday in Holister.
wrote on 7 May 2010, 17:10 last edited by
wrote on 7 May 2010, 17:11 last edited by
We will be there. The rest of the family is entered and hopefully he can have a baby practice.
wrote on 7 May 2010, 19:03 last edited by
wrote on 9 May 2010, 20:42 last edited by
wrote on 9 May 2010, 21:54 last edited by
wrote on 11 May 2010, 14:56 last edited by
wrote on 11 May 2010, 15:44 last edited by
wrote on 11 May 2010, 15:46 last edited by
all sooo cute!!!!
wrote on 11 May 2010, 20:53 last edited by
It doesn't have to be an official 'show training' stack….. ;) :p
That means I have to drag out the table, find a show chain, mess with them on the table… and on top of that find someone to take the pictures.. :eek:
Maybe on Sunday when we have a puppy play day at the house. But no promises....
wrote on 11 May 2010, 20:59 last edited by
I think what Janneke meant was that it doesn't have to be a formal stack. Just a casual where you caught them self stacking in the yard like the pic of Chief.
I love'em all..ohh, I want a puppy too…They are all growing up so nicely..thanks for sharing your little ones and for letting the puppy bug bite me once again..
wrote on 11 May 2010, 21:19 last edited by
That means I have to drag out the table, find a show chain, mess with them on the table… and on top of that find someone to take the pictures.. :eek:
Maybe on Sunday when we have a puppy play day at the house. But no promises....
:D I meant what Lisa said, but if you don't mind dragging out the table and you can find a show chain and someone to take a pic… That would be wonderful for us 'puppy fans' :D
wrote on 12 May 2010, 00:06 last edited by
He is really nice looking!!!! I never let anyone touch his tail.. somehow I felt that it might "damage" the curl!!!
wrote on 12 May 2010, 00:10 last edited by
What is Holister????
wrote on 12 May 2010, 00:12 last edited by
Touching the tail will not damage the curl but if your dog is not used to have it touched, it can be painful because they may tense their tail rather than relax it when someone touches it. This is why I always make messing with their tails part of their handling and encourage my puppy people to do the same.
wrote on 12 May 2010, 00:13 last edited by
Allright, cool Ill do that…