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I need help naming my new basenji pup!!

Basenji Puppy Pen
  • Whitney's Copper Penny (Penny)

    Red Clover Honey (Honey)

    Red Sun Rising (Sunny)

  • Wow! Thanks everyone!

    First Thanks to Thunderbird! I am happy to be onboard! lol Ill send some pics on here when i get her! I have paid but i am going to Georgia to visit family so i am leaving her with the breeder. I will get her hopefull May 4th!

    Second to Tanza, go to that pedigree site and type this in, its her pedigree and parents:
    Mother is Sweetpea of the Congo
    Father is Black Devil of the Congo
    If you know them, great! If not look them up and you will see the names in her pedigree. :)

    Third to TikaLynn, Im sorry i havent posted pics. I only have the ones of her on Her name is Amy. If you want to go there you can see a pic of her.

    Fourth to Sharronhurtbut, I guess i never really asked her cuz i feel bad asking people to rename them when they picked a name for her. But i also thank you! I am happy to be on board and I appreciate your help!

    Fifth to Patty, thanks for the suggestionl They are jewls but i guess its not really a name i much like. I appreciate you trying tho, all names are welcome!

    Sixth to Kipawa, I had a puppy names Rain and its to close, and as for essie it doesnt seem like it would fit her.

    She has alot of personality. She is really smart and wrinkly. She is all red/white no white neck but a little mark on her back. her legs are also white. Ill try to post pictures, she is sending me more today. Ill try to do it. otherwise if you can look on puppyfind you can see her at 3 months.

    Thanks a bunch to EVERYONE!!! I appreciate the comments. Im also looking for a registering name and a call name. So if you have any ideas. I am leaning towards naming my kennel Dreamlite Kennels. If anyone has any other ideas about that i would be glad to hear them! Thanks a bunch!!!!

  • You should have her tested for her DNA Fanconi status since her Sire is a Carrier and Dam is Clear. She could be either Clear or Carrier. You would want to know that status especially if you ever considered breeding her. Of course there are many other tests before breeding that should be done and it doesn't look like her breeders have done any but the DNA for Fanconi. I do know many in the pedigree back 3 and 4 generations.

  • PRA and hips are a big issue as well…

  • yes i will definately have her tested for fanconi when i get her. and as far as the other ones if i breed i definately will, like the brucelles (i cannot remember how you spell that) and hips and eyes and thyroid and everything! If i do it im going to do it right!!! :D I wanna try to show her tho before i breed her if i breed her at all.

    Thank you everyone for being so kind and helping me out! I love all the pointers and suggestions and all the help!

  • are the ones you know good dogs? do they have good lines? would she be good to show?


    This is my new little girl! :D Any ideas on names! this should help!

  • @misspodhradsky:

    are the ones you know good dogs? do they have good lines? would she be good to show?

    Each dog is judged on their own merits in the show ring, so it would be good for you to learn the Breed standard and then compare that against your pup first. And you have to learn to be very honest about your own dogs faults. Go to shows, look at the dogs/bitches that win, compare them to your own Basenji.

    Find a mentor, let them teach you about the breed. Of course it is best to find the mentor first before getting a puppy for the show ring so that they can guide and teach you about the breed and about conformation

  • Its rather hard to find people to mentor me. USUALLY when i talk to a breeder they are all about saying dont breed we dont need anymore puppies when thats not what im about. Im not just going to breed and breed and breed. I want to help better the basenjis too and have a good line of dogs. Otherwise they are nice and then i never hear from them again. I would like to learn more about showing basenjis. Do you know anyone who could help me? I know about the basenjis but not to much about showing. I mean i know a little bit. and i know you have to groom them, and there is a certain stance for all show dogs, and stuff but i would like to know more, more details and more important stuff.

    let me know if you can help, OR if you know someone else who can. :) I appreciate your help.

  • Bashasha…Swahili word for "joy" or "Charm" (Shasha for short)
    Tucheze...Swahili for "Let's dance" or "Let's play" (Cheze for short)
    Uzima...Swahili for "Life" (Zima for short)
    Kijibwa...Swahili for "Small dog" (Kiji for short)

    It's all I can come up with.


  • @misspodhradsky:

    Its rather hard to find people to mentor me. USUALLY when i talk to a breeder they are all about saying dont breed we dont need anymore puppies when thats not what im about. Im not just going to breed and breed and breed. I want to help better the basenjis too and have a good line of dogs. Otherwise they are nice and then i never hear from them again. I would like to learn more about showing basenjis. Do you know anyone who could help me? I know about the basenjis but not to much about showing. I mean i know a little bit. and i know you have to groom them, and there is a certain stance for all show dogs, and stuff but i would like to know more, more details and more important stuff.

    let me know if you can help, OR if you know someone else who can. :) I appreciate your help.

    You can learn about shows at there is information for beginners. Again, go to shows and watch… and if you seach the Forum, there are threads on showing and good books about showing. First you need to understand the breed standard and if your pup is show quality or not.

  • For a call name how about Cara for her little heart marking.

  • thanks. ill keep those in mind. and thanks ill go to shows. her breeder said she would make a good show dog. anyways thanks everyone. more ideas are welcome~!


  • You said that her breeder does not show, how did the breeder determine that she would be show quality? What is her experience in grading puppies for show quality? What method did she use? Did she go over your pup's strengths and faults?

  • @misspodhradsky:

    thanks. ill keep those in mind. and thanks ill go to shows. her breeder said she would make a good show dog. anyways thanks everyone. more ideas are welcome~!


    I would agree with lvoss, how did she evaluate this pup and determine that she is show quality?

  • If you have a basenji club in your area, that would be a good place to get feedback on your pup, re quality.

  • Lela- thats at least what she looks like to me

  • well she has shown, she does not show anymore. She has a few champions. She knows from her previous experience i assume and by AKC standards. She just said out of the puppies she had she would make the BEST show pup, of the litter.

  • Typically, when a breeder is placing a pup as "show potential" they will go over the pup with the new owner and show them what they see in that puppy. This is especially important if the puppy is being placed with someone new to the breed. Whether in person, via video, or through many well shot photos of all sides of the puppies, the breeder should be able to take you through the dog's entire conformation. They should point out the areas they feel are particular strengths as well as show you where they feel the dog's faults are. These things are important for you to know. When you show you will want to try to emphasize the strengths while downplaying the faults.

    This process also helps you see what method they use for grading a litter. There are several different takes on grading though many have similarities. Probably the best known is Pat Hastings' Puppy Puzzle.

    I would highly recommend getting the book Tricks of Trade by Pat Hastings. It has a good section about how to evaluate your dog for conformation.

  • O i didnt know they did that. I have a female basenji, she is 10 now. but we just got her from a friend not a breeder. I guess i have never actually gotten a puppy/basenji from a breeder before, just a friend or shelter. I will see if i can talk to her about the pluses and faults of her and her showing quality.

    ill look into the book and see if i can get it. Thanks for the advice. :)

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