"Warning" about Bs
Today, I took Rio and Sophie out to lunch with me and my husband. I got out of the car and almost immediately 3 people asked if they could meet me and my dogs. I said, "Of course". The one woman was telling the young man what an amazing breed basenjis are. She shared a story about how one had wondered into their yard one day. It spent the entire day at their house and was the most loving dog then just disappeared again. Since then she has loved the breed and was so happy to be able to pet my girls and talk with me.
The funniest thing was that the quality she was most impressed with about the breed and dared the young man to test was that they do not have a doggie odor. It was pretty funny to see him sniffing my dogs in amazement.
Well said (everyone), the special love a basenji gives is precious. When I am sick or injured, they stay close to comfort me. If I am upset, they snuggle extra close. With a basenji, it is a mutual relationship of love and respect, not 'owner and dog'.
That is so true! My Basenji is not allowed on the bed or the couches, BUT, whenever I am sick, she just knows, and it never fails, she will jump up and cuddle with me and be sweet… and she never gets booted off either, because the affection is warmly welcomed and appreciated.
The funniest thing was that the quality she was most impressed with about the breed and dared the young man to test was that they do not have a doggie odor. It was pretty funny to see him sniffing my dogs in amazement.
I always tell this to people, "smell him, he smells like a stuffed animal, no dog odor". They usually give me a weird look, but then are surprised when it's true. :D
MacPack told us our lives would never be the same with 2 B's. She was right. We can't imagine life without both of them.
Keoki is so in tune with my feelings and emotions. He knows when I need him to come cuddle and when I am sick he places his head on my chest as if he is making sure I am still breathing. This is all from a 7 year old dog that we have had less than one year.
When I was at the Seattle Dog Show, I met with one of the breeders there and asked her if I could smell her Basenji. Oh, how I took in the deepest breath and was just greated by a warm, soft smell. It was heaven. Funny, I often do that to my cats - just stick my face on their fur and breathe in. My special cat Barney smells like caramel - no kidding. The other two don't really have a distinguishable smell. Oh that basenji smell was soooo good. Dogs are so into sniffing each other to gather information - who are you, what are you like, are you nervous right now, did you eat something better for supper than I did, etc. The breeder's basenji just smelled of love, kindness, warmth, intelligence. Hmmm… maybe I have a dog nose.
Jibini came with a warning label stamped on his backside. I thought all Basenjis did? :)
His says "BASENJI'S GENERAL WARNING: This Basenji may be habit-forming; one almost always leads to another. Use of this Basenji may increase the risk of heart-warming emotions, high-pitched noises, and incoherent baby talk, especially in men. This Basenji may cause irrevocable damage to your bank account, furniture, wardrobe and possibly your social life; and you are at great risk of enjoying every bit of it. This Basenji is not a typical alternative to another breed of dog. Quitting Basenjis Now Greatly Decreases Your Chance At A Fulfilled Life."
Tana didn't have a label; but I figured it didn't matter since I was already hooked :)
We've had She-Ra for four years now, and the following is some of the stuff I "warn" people about at the dog park/on walks/ etc. when they ask about our dog:
She's spoiled my wife for all other breeds. We've talked about other dogs but only Basenjis will do.
You will get a bath every night. No exceptions. The pack doesn't sleep until everyone gets a "good night" kiss. Or three. Or eight.
If You Leave It Out She Will Get It. <- The Cardinal Rule.
If She Gets It You Will Not Have It Anymore. <- Corollary to the Cardinal Rule.
And of course the rule we all know by heart now: A Tired Basenji is a Good Basenji.
If You Leave It Out She Will Get It. <- The Cardinal Rule.
If She Gets It You Will Not Have It Anymore. <- Corollary to the Cardinal Rule.
Amen. We warn all our guests; if it's on the floor or within his reach, it's Paco's.
How do you get a tired Basenji?? haha My husband took Tika for a 7 mile run/jog/walk yesterday, and when she was done, she wanted to play with her toys! But, torchsong, I love your list - it describes the breed perfectly!
not the solution for everyone, but my answer is "get a malinois". :p
Now, how to tire a malinois? -
Didn't think I could be converted did I, well how wrong can one person be !!!!
I have had Dobes for many a long year, but decided to down size. Dobes will always be the love of my life and I still have 2 and prob one more. However into my life came Cooper back in Jan 2008. Well…............what can I say, this whirl wind shot through the house like a rocket. The Dobes thought about backing their bags................as did I on several occasions !!!! It wasn't easy getting used to another breed even though I'd done years of research. The times I was asked would I have another and the times I answered no never !!!! The ones in the know said give longer you'll change your mind. Well............I have !!!!. I'm having a rest this year, no Dobe puppy or Basenji but no doubt a certain breed with a very curly tail will take up residence in the future !!!!!!!!
Marianne x
I think they were created like babies - no matter how mad you can get at them, they are so cute they get by with it. Addiction, no doubt.
agilebasenji - funny you say that, because in the next year, that is actually our plan!! we have been considering various breeds, and I just love shepherds, so that is the direction we are leaning…
lately tika has been excellent about running alongside us as we ride our bikes. she is not getting worn out, but she is having a lot of fun doing it, and it does at least take up her energy for a little while once we get home!
How true. I'm surprised no one has started Basenji Anonymous, LOL It's like pringles can't have one. Although I have just one now. I have owned Basenjsi for 30 years. I tell my dog loving co-workers about Kay-Dee's antics and they love hearing about her. She goes a lot of places with me and she has her own fan club.