This left me speechless
I just hate it when people treat Pets as commodities, i just can't identify with it at all
What's that old saying? If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy. So true.
I guess I got pretty lucky in the husband department.<snip>
Really he's the soft touch. He is NOT allowed to go to the humane society by himself.</snip>+1. I got super lucky in the husband department too.
He deals with my rescues, and wouldn't have it any other way. And, is right there with me on getting the basenjis.
He is also a big softie, and cannot go the humane society and come home empty handed.
When I started broaching the subject of adopting Aries, I expected resistance, but got none. He was even prepared to drive to California and get her if we had needed to. (B"H we didn't, but he was willing) He really is wonderful.-Nicole
Our animal rescues in the UK are nearly always inundated after Christmas with unwanted Christmas 'gifts' and older dogs who are no longer wanted when a new puppy has arrived! To quote someone else on this forum - The more I know about humans the more I love my dogs. Society nowadays seems to live on 'whims' and instant everything including 'instant' dogs who are just perfect when they arrive!
It reminds me of the guy with the Pit-bull pup AJ was playing with a few weeks ago. The conversation turned to neutering. The wife said absolutely, he will be neutered. The husband said no way, not until he's "gotten a piece" for his memory. Ehh….what??? :eek: He was more concerned with getting his dog laid than what to do with the pups once they are born. That is possibly the most idiotic reason I've ever heard of to produce a litter of puppies.
It reminds me of the guy with the Pit-bull pup AJ was playing with a few weeks ago. The conversation turned to neutering. The wife said absolutely, he will be neutered. The husband said no way, not until he's "gotten a piece" for his memory. Ehh….what??? :eek: He was more concerned with getting his dog laid than what to do with the pups once they are born. That is possibly the most idiotic reason I've ever heard of to produce a litter of puppies.
Well, remember unless he owns the female, will not be his problem as I am sure he will not take responsibility for them…
And typical that he puts a human emotion on his dog... like the dog would remember.... NOT
And if he does remember, it will take the form of marking (outside AND inside), roaming, whining, etc.
Update on the boxer. Wife got her wish the boxer has been rehomed. From what I understand it is with a young couple who already have a boxer. My neighbors boxer was never allowed up the stairs and was afraid of them. His new home immediately got him over the fear and now he shares their bed along side the other dog. Happy ending
I wish all dog would have such a happy ending.
Great to hear a happy ending, thanks for the update
It is good to hear this had a happy ending. I just got an email from a friend about a beautiful 8-year-old Vizsla looking for a new home. Reason? "Owners got a new puppy and can't take care of two dogs." WTH!?!?! Wonder if they have more than one child. If I was the older one I'd be getting nervous. Grrrrr.