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Basenji Vs Rhino Beetle

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  • Ive just gotta share!

    The other half uploaded a video of Hope to his Youtube account.. She found herself a rhino beetle. Not to worry we put the beetle back in the tree poor beetle would have been exhausted if the OH was at work and she was by herself lol she makes me laugh and i really enjoyed seeing her and it brightened my morning so i thought i would share:

    she even does some little barks :)

  • your dog is super cute, but the beetle… yikes! i am so grateful i don't have to live near any of those! i actually jumped and shrieked when hope kicked the beetle and it was soaring! suki looked at me like i was nuts.

  • that bug is huge!!

    I almost hold me breath when she kicked the beast haha :D

  • Aweee what a cutie. I agree with Tlish about being grateful to live somewhere free of bugs that big. I seriously believe all Australians are superhumans for not shrieking every time they encounter a bug like that. How on earth did you get it back into the tree??

  • @Mango:

    Aweee what a cutie. I agree with Tlish about being grateful to live somewhere free of bugs that big. I seriously believe all Australians are superhumans for not shrieking every time they encounter a bug like that. How on earth did you get it back into the tree??

    hahaha this post made me laugh :D we get it back to the tree by picking it up and putting it there lol we used to play with them when we were little kids, make them hiss and stick them on each others shirts cos they have good grip. they are tonnes of fun.

    they are a hard shelled beetle and they hiss. As you can see she knows to be cautious of the front of it due to the pincer (but its not that harmful if it was to get her). they are pretty hardy little beetles.

  • Wow, that is funny she is with it.
    My kiddos got some nanobugs ( robotic bugs toys) for christmas last year, well last last year..haha, and Otis loved to play with it..he did the exact same thing with his paw on the pretend c o c k roach

  • Great video! Really funny to see how she moves her head :D
    I've spend a month in Australia a couple of years ago and if I had to go to the bathroom at night I would run around to put on all the lights first.. Pff.. I hate bugs.. And you've got lots of them…. ;)

  • Really funny video – we have june bugs here (about half the size of yours) and Gossy does the same thing - except they don't have the sharp points.

  • I love the video!

    It's so funny to me to see videos of other Basenjis and how their mannerisms are so similar to Paco's. Crazy to think that that kind of thing can be inborn and not learned from other Basenjis!

    P.S. Did anybody see the movie "Tangled"? Chris and I think the horse acts like a Basenji often. :P

  • Kipawa and I enjoyed that - he had his head resting on the edge of my laptop and watched the whole thing. So, that bug must own his own 1800 sq. foot home? :)

  • Lovely video and what fun - for Hope that is, not the beetle!

    You must be so delighted to get these pictures, Lish.

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