For Sale: Basenji pups For Sale in Nampa ID
wrote on 9 Dec 2010, 14:14 last edited by
I feel lost. You chose to breed basenjis that are not recognized by the AKC and/or bred the dogs for a project to introduce more genetic diversity? Have they been tested for fanconi? It smells somewhat fishy that you aren't divulging their health info.
If you are interested in a pup all your questions will be answered.
I have already given a treatise to someone who WASNT serious and it was a waste of my time.
wrote on 9 Dec 2010, 14:18 last edited by
Anyone who is interested in a pup can contact me. Anyone seriously interested in my dogs and their decrepit health and lousy type and questionable heritage can also contact me privately.
I thought Id give the forum another try. So that's done.
wrote on 9 Dec 2010, 14:36 last edited by
Are you serious?? or just been hit on the head? YOU arent submitting dogs so what so you know about how people go about submitting dogs? And we WERE talking about Avuvis, so dont change the subject and pretend I am ignoring the accepted dogs.
I haven't been hit on the head. I just know the process that was submitted by BCOA and approved by AKC and is viewable by anyone who chooses to at
Registration if any (AKC, Basenji Clubs, etc): sire UKC. dam African import
Price: $400 to the right person/family mainly to cover additional tests for pups of Africans. Routine puppy tests and treatments included.As for people knowing we were only talking about Avuvis, I didn't think that was very clear because you never actually stated in your post, see above, that these dogs were from the Avuvi group of imports and only those of us who know who who your dogs are pointed out that information. So others may get the idea from your post that no native stock has been approved through the accepted process.
Where does it say that we have to do this the minute the dogs hit the ground?
Never said you did. You have a 5 year window which is now past the half way mark.
You on the other hand tried to tell me I couldnt get my dogs in the UKC which was a filthy lie.
It is not a dirty filthy lie, it is what their website,, dogs without papers from another registry are not, according to their website eligible for full registration priviledges. There is NO published process for allowing Native Stock and no input from the fancy since basenjis do not currently have a parent club. If they do allow the registration of Native Stock it is only done through a process that noone in the fancy has any say and no one at UKC would ever confirm even existed.
wrote on 9 Dec 2010, 15:25 last edited by
I did not willfully ignore the knowledge that was out there. You wouldnt DARE call this other breeder irresponsible but I know more than one pet breeder who was MORE responsible.
You are almost incoherent sometimes so going to just use this quote and move on..
I would DARE call anyone irresponsible if I thought they were… you obviously don't know me.As for your rantings... let us be real. Anyone KNOWLEDGEABLE wouldn't respond to your ad as they would already know what you are breeding. SO the unsuspected who would respond with the missing health info is what you hope for. Putting the testing isn't massive work, it is being left out for a reason ... obviously hoping no one asks the tough questions.
You are breeding dogs without doing the work first. No amt of dancing about "having time" covers it. Just say ... oh well I am breeding mutts and hope maybe one day I can get them accepted but if not, well I am happy to breed mutts. If these dogs could make it in, why wouldn't you do it before continuing to produce more dogs that may never be able to be registered? Just a thought. Doing things RIGHT means doing them right and you only fool yourself if you think this "I have plenty of time" is believed.
And for your crack about no new thoughts here... well honey you have no new thoughts either. Your crappola spewed about giving BUYERS the info is touted by puppymillers everywhere. Get over yourself that you are original. Original would be being forthright and upfront and transparent and (is there another way to say it?) whatever.
Say: I am breeding dogs that may not ever be registered stock, I am dragging my feet getting it done, I haven't done all the health testing, and I get offended and put down everyone else as idiots and unworthy of my time if they question me.
Now that would be original. :)
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 00:44 last edited by
Rose wrote to me..
First, If my dogs are African Village dogs so is yours. You dont have any room to speak here.
My post you to. Excuse me. I talked to folks at the national re my girl and her help with the basenji breed. They liked the other dogs brought over, but my Miss Wheat was NOT to their liking. Guess What Rose Marie. I didn't just go head and breed her. I got her fixed.
Let me repeat. My girl would NOT be an asset to the new breeding project so I got her fixed.
You on the otherhand, have just added to the "littering" of dogs across the US.
Shame on you!!! -
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 06:52 last edited by
Taking down anything Ive ever said.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 14:30 last edited by
Once your around a bit longer, you will be able to see why this thread is so provoking for some of us. Doing rescue, its awful to me that this is breeding is going on.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 14:50 last edited by
I'm beginning to shut up more because the basenji people on this forum tend to tear you apart….OVER EVERYTHING...... its really a turn off for us younger basenji lovers.... the older, wiser tend to be rude, off putting, and down right snobby. Never in my life have I seen so many people start
I know there is a need to educate and correct, but it doesnt have to be done in such an attacking manner….
Of course, there are a few nice ones :)So you look at the age of people to determine where they fit?
I am not even going to respond except to point out one obvious issue… your last sentence ... you don't take your own advice. Oh wait, if you are YOUNG, then whatever spews forth is professional education. Got it. -
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 17:45 last edited by
Well…. this is the holiday season, lol. Debra, I don't know if Benda meant "old" as in the age of the people on here, or if she meant old as "those who have been on this forum the longest".
I understood her comment to mean those who have been here the longest, and I agree with her sentiments. Sometimes, it seems like there is a group of people who rally around, with a pack-like attitude, of criticising and judging others. It bothers me, and I, too, hesitate to post anymore. You may notice that my posting of CL rescues has been "minimized", since I was publicly flogged for starting these threads.
While I did have the best intentions in my heart, my actions were miscontrued as if I was promoting for a profit. I explained why in that thread, so I won't re-hash it, but suffice it to say, if the motivation behind that attack was to stop me from reaching out, well, it worked.
Not everyone on this forum has to agree with each other, but I believe there should be mutual respect and politeness for all. We can, respectfully, agree to disagree.... or as Robyn has on her signature, understand there are many different shades of gray.
:) Cheers, and Peace to All! :)
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 17:46 last edited by
Once your around a bit longer, you will be able to see why this thread is so provoking for some of us. Doing rescue, its awful to me that this is breeding is going on.
And I do agree with you Sharron
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 19:37 last edited by
Taking down anything Ive ever said.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 19:38 last edited by
Taking down anything Ive ever said.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 19:49 last edited by
Taking down anything Ive ever said.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 19:52 last edited by
Taking down anything Ive ever said.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 19:59 last edited by
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 20:21 last edited by
this is exactly what Im talking about. …. being downright xxx.
YES! Like this was!!:
the basenji people on this forum tend to tear you apart….OVER EVERYTHING
the older, wiser tend to be rude, off putting, and down right snobby.
Never in my life have I seen so many people start $h!t just for the sake of starting $h!t
Reaaly makes the people on here look professional and welcoming...NOT.
done in such an attacking manner....Okay let me try again, whether you meant old as age or old as time on forum, your post was as mean and snarky as those you seem to be against. You took no effort to write a constructive non-attacking post. Until you do so yourself, the hypocrisy of your post clouds any weight to it, making it obvious that in your opinion, YOU can post however harshly and snarkily as you want and it is educational. If someone else does, it is nasty. You can't have it both ways. So how about you posting in the way you think OTHERS should and set an example. Because to me, your post exemplified what you were ranting against. In fact, to me your post was WORSE than most. Most posts are about TOPICS, and however hotly debated, are not personal attacks. Your post, undeniably, was personal against people.
Another thought is that just because many agree about something, it doesn't make them some rabid pack. This thread is a great example. There are legit reasons that breeders and rescues have issues with what is being done.
As for the CL listing, I am sorry that Patty let them stop her. Unless the forum moderator contacts her, she should do what she wants. Even there, many of us supported her. It was basically a division between breeders/nonbreeders. However, both sides have legit concerns. Topics like that should be addressed by the moderator since it wasn't BREED related by forum policy related, imo. Patty, I hope you take the supporters of you, those who understand and appreciate your intent, more to heart than the others. (((hugs)))
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 20:26 last edited by
What has upset me the most though, is the posts that are downright mean, such as about CL ads.
I suspect many of us are jaded. We have learned over and over that if someone has the saavy to find Craigslist, they also could find the breeder, BRAT, etc. But you are right, we should be less reactive. But honestly, when someone wants to rehome a sick geriatric dog, I just don't know it's in me to think of any kindly reaction.
FYI, I had my name at our local shelter, volunteering for FREE (you get this FREE) training help when people say they are giving up their dog over behavior issues. In 15 yrs, I have had precisely one call. One. The shelter says when they offer help, they get hemming, hawing and a myriad of excuses. Bottom line, they want rid of the dog fast. I will try to be less jaded.
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 20:32 last edited by
YES! Like this was!!:
Okay let me try again, whether you meant old as age or old as time on forum, your post was as mean and snarky as those you seem to be against. You took no effort to write a constructive non-attacking post. Until you do so yourself, the hypocrisy of your post clouds any weight to it, making it obvious that in your opinion, YOU can post however harshly and snarkily as you want and it is educational. If someone else does, it is nasty. You can't have it both ways. So how about you posting in the way you think OTHERS should and set an example. Because to me, your post exemplified what you were ranting against. In fact, to me your post was WORSE than most. Most posts are about TOPICS, and however hotly debated, are not personal attacks. Your post, undeniably, was personal against people.
Another thought is that just because many agree about something, it doesn't make them some rabid pack. This thread is a great example. There are legit reasons that breeders and rescues have issues with what is being done.
As for the CL listing, I am sorry that Patty let them stop her. Unless the forum moderator contacts her, she should do what she wants. Even there, many of us supported her. It was basically a division between breeders/nonbreeders. However, both sides have legit concerns. Topics like that should be addressed by the moderator since it wasn't BREED related by forum policy related, imo. Patty, I hope you take the supporters of you, those who understand and appreciate your intent, more to heart than the others. (((hugs)))
After a while, it seems as its best to fight fire with fire.
Im sure everyone here thinks Ima big weenie and should grow up , but I just dont see the point in some of the forum contributers being so "snarky"
I too didnt agree with the posts about the CL listings, as I personally contacted the ad owners and offered my help in rehoming their dogs on behalf of BRAT.
Patty- you can email them to me if you feel the need to. With all the other websites I cruise, CL sometimes is the bottom of my list. Thanks for your hard work :)
wrote on 13 Dec 2010, 20:43 last edited by
After a while, it seems as its best to fight fire with fire.
Im sure everyone here thinks Ima big weenie and should grow up , but I just dont see the point in some of the forum contributers being so "snarky"
I too didnt agree with the posts about the CL listings, as I personally contacted the ad owners and offered my help in rehoming their dogs on behalf of BRAT.
Patty- you can email them to me if you feel the need to. With all the other websites I cruise, CL sometimes is the bottom of my list. Thanks for your hard work :)
Poster child here for fire with fire, but I don't lecture about fire when using it. That said, lol, you see how well it works for me… don't go there :) Shame us snarkers by not being snarky.
I usually don't see posts as snarky. Perhaps because I have a tougher skin, perhaps because I have been on forums that make this look like an afternoon swim with the dolphins, perhaps because I try to look at precisely what is SAID and not tone when I can. But we can agree not being nasty or personal should be the norm.