Lost red girl-Dallas TX 11/15
Ad on Craig's List today:
http://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/laf/2061199086.htmlMy precious dog got out of the back yard. She is a red and white Basenji. Please call if you have any information or saw her running around or picked her up.
She is wearing a black collar with her name and my phone number on it.Thank you!
Location: Ridglea Hills
Hi Fran,
Actually, I only copied this post from Craig's List…. the lady who lost this pup is Brittany, and I sent her an email. She replied,"Hi Patty. Thanks for helping us find Coco. I am just devastated. Yes she is microchipped and I contacted BRAT last night. I am having a hard time staying positive considering she is chipped and had a collar on and I haven't heard a thing. I can't think of anything else to do that I haven't already done, to find her. I am beginning to wonder if she was hit by a car, and if she was and is picked up will they still try to scan her and call me. "
If there are any people in the Dallas area that can cross post, or keep an eye out, I'm sure Brittany would appreciate it. There's nothing so heartwrenching as a lost basenji. :(
Brittany's basenji is still missing. If there are any members here from the Dallas area, can you please cross post for her? The more eyes, the better….
"Hey there. No she hasn't come home. We are very sad and the house is extremely quiet . At this point we just want to know if she is still alive and we should keep looking."
HURRAY, a Happy Ending! Coco is found! Brittany emailed,
"OMG Pat, we found her!!!! We actually JUST found her! Somehow she got in the neighbors house, which is a family from Austin's "vacation" home. So obviously they were here this past weekend and she ran in their house and they didn't know it. Such a Basenji move! Luckily another family member lives here and let us in the house to let her out. This is all so crazy but thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and mostly your encouragement!! Please pass along to anyone you passed her missing info to, so they know we have found her! "
:) :rolleyes: :) :cool: :) :o :) Warm hugs to Brittany and her little girl! :) ;) :) :) :cool: :):D
Wow, what a happy ending..with a twist for sure. Typical basenji thing..