My place is you place
But if I want to sleep in it, you have to leave…
Story of James....1. The first story picture is missing but think you see Chafuko sleeping in a nice warm bed on the couch, dreaming about his dates.....
2. Second stroy picture is also missing but James thinks he want to sleep in it... so he jumps on top of Chafuko
3. James tells Chafuko to leave his bed....
4. Chafuko: SIGH….. and he leaves the bed
5. As a real winner, James makes an extra round
6. My bed….. :rolleyes:
7. Chafuko want to sleep on the couch and stay next to James
8. O NO ERROR ALARM, James thinks to bo very funny and want the warm and living bed….
9. King of all animals, Sir James, Bacari Ashquindi
10. Chafuko is loosing and called for HELPPPP
This was the little story of James…. King of the Spranky
Funny story - yes, cats usually wind up ruling where even Basenjis reside. Your last photo is beautiful - James is very kingly indeed.
too cute. I love how they interact..
Thanks all, he is very playful and likes it to get a hug… :)
Still a bit weird because we never had a cat that likes to get such physical attention..
Spaiky is now 6 years and al these years I trained him to accept me, he accepts me to hug him, he likes it and even brush his teeth.. but if someone else want to pet him... He won't accept that.
James is really a totally different animal and the great thing is: spaik loves him!!!!