Oh, I was just reminded of this one this morning. The hair dryer! Whenever I blow-dry my hair, Becca runs into the bathroom to make sure that she gets her fair share of the warmth of the blow-drier. I'll dry my hair then put it on her for a bit and this cycles until I am done…..then she runs back to bed.
Hi-dee, y'all
Yeah, I know we don't usually share a lot of personal stuff on here. I've been largely absent and have missed you, but other things are taking up a large part of my life….
Who knew a Norwegian guy could be so sweet....and hot? Hmmm...
Guess handsome Mr. Nobarkus can stop looking over his shoulder...:D
I'll check in now and then...just enough to stir it up a bit....
Well we miss you, but, ….have fun!